Agreements were signed on May the 5th in New York in 1999 that paved the way for the Popular Consultation on August the 30th of that year.
That day represents the beginning of the independence process and the beginning of the UN's formal presence in the territory.
A statement on behalf of Atul Khare, the Head of the United Nations Integrated Mission says the agreements seized upon the historic opportunity offered by Indonesian President B.J. Habibie and enabled the Timorese people to determine the course of their own destiny.
It says despite many challenges the Timorese and their chosen representatives have never wavered in their commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights.
The statement says the international community is committed to a stable and democratic country and UNMIT is a testimony to this determination, to assist East Timor on the long road to stability.
With violations of the principles of the rule of law and the Constitutional separation of powers, a dysfunctional judicial system headed by a judge who is incapable of discharging judicial functions, police accused of human rights abuses by Human Rights Watch, human rights violations committed by members of the East Timor Defence Force, rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism, how can it be said that there is a commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights? The UN news report is pure propoganda.
East timor has come a long way to a nation building, many chalanges such as a strong leadership comitment to tackle the corruption, nepotism, human right abuse by security aparatur needs to take into considaration by the leaders of the country.
Without a strong comitment from the leaders East Timor will reamin the same or follow the same pathway third world corrupt countries.
Timor is an old nation, indeed older than Australia.
Timor Leste has only a short history and very little experience with bureaucracy and democracy. It is important for her friends to help her through this hard time, as equally important to make a distinction between helping and abuse of trust.
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