01 January 2011

Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption: Timor-Leste Launching Anti Corruption Draft Law

Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC)                                          

Rua De Nu Laran-20 Bairro dos Grillos-Dili
Telephone: (670) 331-3457 ext: 107 (Hugo Fernandes)



Dili, December 17, 2010

Corruption is a malignant phenomenon that subverts fundamental values of life in society.

It undermines the foundations of a democratic state based on the rule of law by falsifying the fair distribution of national wealth and promotes divisions and frictions within society. Simply put, corruption is against justice and social harmony.

Fundamental constitutional principles such as universality of rights, and equality and legality are emptied of their contents in benefit of private interests of a few people devoid of scruples.

A global phenomenon increasingly difficult to track down and fight, corruption demands that our State adopts exceptional measures capable of ensuring increased effectiveness in the struggle against this type of crime.

Based on those facts, the Timor-Leste chapter of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC), with support from UNMIT, has organized a half-day seminar to launch the Anti Corruption Draft Law which is currently being debated internally by Committee A of the National Parliament.

Hon. Fernanda Borges, President of Executive Committee of GOPAC Timor-Leste stated that Timor-Leste is taking another critical step in combating corruption. This Anti Corruption Law is important because it will complement our penal quote and enable Anti Corruption Commissioner and Prosecutors to investigate and prosecute corruption cases more effectively. To Succeed we must enact legislation, promote civic values and assist institutions to implement legislation comprehensively, impartially and sustainably.

The seminar will be held at Casa Europa in Dili on December 17, 2010 from 08.30 to 13.00. A number of honorable speakers will address the seminar including Dra. Ana Pessoa, Prosecutor General, Hon. Fernanda Borges, President of Committee A of National Parliament and Dr. Aderito de Jesus Soares, Commissioner of Anti Corruption Commission.

The objective of the seminar is to inform the public about the draft anti-corruption law and also to gather public opinion and views about this important anti-corruption instrument that will serve as one of be legal basis in combating corruption in Timor-Leste.

Contact Person:
Hon. Fernanda Borges
President of Executive Committee
GOPAC Timor-Leste
Mobile: +670 (733-0744)

Rua De Nu Laran-20 Bairro dos Grillos-Dili
Telephone: (670) 331-3457 ext: 107 (Hugo Fernandes)

Dili, 17 Dezembru 2010

Lansamentu Esbosu Lei Anti Korrupsaun

Korrupsaun nudar fenomena destrutivu ida ne’ebe la fo valor fundamental moris nian,  iha sosiedade.

Korrupsaun mos halo fraku fundasaun Stadu Demokratiku ne’ebe basiea ba poder lei nian hodi falsifika distribuisaun riku soi nasional, promove divisionismu no mos friksaun iha ita nia sosiedade. Tan ne’e mak korrupsaun ne’e injustisa/kontra justisa no harmonia social.

Prinsipiu fundamental konstitional hanesan direito universal sira, igualidade no legalidade lakon tiha sira nia signifikadu hodi fo benefisiu ba interese privadu husi ema lubun oan ida  ne’ebe  lakon tiha prinsipiu etiku umanu.

Korrupsaun nudar fenomena global ida ne’ebe tinan ba tinan susar atu kombate. Korrupsaun ezizi ita nia Estadu adopta medida sira ne’ebe kapabel hodi asegura efetividade hodi funu kontra krimi ne’e.

Haree ba faktu sira ne’e, Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC Timor-Leste), ho tulun husi UNMIT organiza seminar ida hodi halo lansamentu ba esbosu lei Anti Korrupsaun Timor-Leste nian ne’ebe dadaun ne’e debate hela iha Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional.

Hon. Fernanda Borges, Presidenti Komite Ezekutivu GOPAC Timor-Leste hatoo katak “Timor-Leste foti daudaun pasu kritiku ida hodi kombate korrupsaun. Lei Anti Korrupsaun ida ne’e importante tanba lei ne’e sei komplementa ita nia kuota penal no fasilita Komisioner Anti Korrupsaun no Prokurador atu investiga no prosesa kazu korupsaun barak ho efektivu liu. Atu bele susesu ita tenke halo lejislasaun, promove valor sivika no assiste instituisaun sira atu implementa lejislasaun ho komprensivu, imparsial no sustanibilidade”.

Seminar ne’e sei halao iha Casa Europa, Dili, iha loron 17 Dezembru 2010, husi tuku 08.30-13.00.  Orador iha seminar ne’e, Dra. Ana Pessoa Pinto, Prokuradoria Jeral da Republika, Hon. Fernanda Borges, Presidenti Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional no mos Dr. Aderito de Jesus Soares, Komisario, Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun.

Objetivu husi seminar ne’e, atu hato’o ba publiku kona-ba esbosu Lei Anti Korrupsaun no mos halibur ideas no visaun ema hotu-hotu nian kona-ba lei anti korrupsaun, nune’e bele fo tan baze legal ne’ebe forte hodi kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Hon. Fernanda Borges
Presidenti Komite Ezekutivu
GOPAC Timor-Leste

Movel: +670 733-0744

Roselia Pinto
Communication Officer
The Asia Foundation

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