30 January 2011

Operational Police commander recognises that some police officers are working unprofessionally

Timor police at work
Timor Post, January 27, 2011 language source: Tetun - The Timorese Operational Police Commander Superintendent Eugenio Pereira recognised that some of the Timorese National Police (PNTL)'s officers have not carried out their work in a profession manner but the commanders would fix this based on the legal means provided to them.

"If we are talking about the professionalism of PNTL's officers then there are regulations which will regulate the police officers when responding to situations," Superintendent Perreira said.

Superintendent Pereira asked the public to understand the condition of the officers who respond to the situation as sometimes they must face violent situations while protecting victims, adding that PNTL's Commanders would try to resolve this case soon.


Anonymous said...

PNTL officer brutality act against the life of innocent people should to be severily punished without any hipocrit justification.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
PNTL officer brutality act against the life of innocent people should to be severely punished without any hypocrite justification.