Who owns the land in East Timor remains a vexed question |
Therefore, the Government of Timor-Leste, through the Ministry of Justice, has already drafted land laws to regulate who can own land. The Justice Minister held public consultations about this in all 13 districts in 2009, and it was approved by the Council of Ministers on 10 March 2010. Three laws relating to land were approved: The Land Law, the Expropriation Law, and the Compensation Fund. The laws are currently in Committee A of the National Parliament, which will hold public hearings early in 2011. From the view of civil society, university students, and communities, these laws are not based on the principles and values of Timorese life.
Therefore, La’o Hamutuk is organizing a Public Discussion on the theme “Implications of the Land Laws for People’s Rights to Access Land” with the following speakers:
• Bernardo de Almeida, Legal Advisor on the Ministry of Justice
• Representative from UNMIT
• Eusebio Guterres, Legal Advisor in the organization LAIFET
• Demetrio Amaral, researcher on traditional land systems from the Haburas Foundation
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the HAK Association meeting hall in Farol (across from the Brazilian Embassy)
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Introduction
09:15-09:35 Bernardo de Almeida: How Land Laws can guarantee people’s right to land
09:35-09:55 Representative from UNMIT: International standards to protect people’s rights to land and housing
09:55-10:15 Eusebio Guterres: The impact of the land laws on people’s right to land
10:15-10:35 Demetrio de Amaral: Traditional Land Systems
10:35-10:50 Snack
10:50-12:30 Questions and Answers
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Group Discussions
14:30-16:30 Presentations to Plenary
16:30-17:00 Closing and snack
This event will be primarily in Tetum. Thank you for your participation and cooperation.
Ines Martins N. Soares
Researcher, La’o Hamutuk
+670 725 8724
Konvite Diskusaun Publiku Lei ba Rai
Koalia kona-ba Rai iha Timor Leste komplexu no sensitivu tebes. Asuntu rai ne’e sai preokupasaun ema barak nian, tantu husi povu, estadu Timor-Leste nomos ema husi rai liur. Preokupasaun sira ne’e mosu tanba asuntu rai ne’e bele hamosu konflitu iha komunidade nomos difikulta prosesu dezenvolvimentu.
Ho razaun hirak ne’e Governu Timor-Leste liu husi Ministeriu Justisa kria ona Esbosu Lei ba Rai atu regula se mak bele sai nain ba rai. Ministra Justisa halo konsultasaun Lei ba Rai iha distritu 13 iha 2009, no hetan aprovasaun husi Konsellu Ministru iha loron 10 Marsu 2010. Lei relasiona ho Rai ne’ebé aprova inklui Lei ba Rai, Lei Expropriasaun no Lei Fundu Imobiliariu. Lei tolu ne’e atualmente sei iha Komisaun A, Parlamentu Nasional, no Parlamentu Nasional sei halo audensia publika kona-ba Lei ba Rai iha inisiu 2011. Husi parte seluk Sosiedade Sivil, Estudante Universitariu sira ho Komunidade rasik konsidera katak Lei ba Rai ne’e la bazeia ba prinsipius no valores moris Timor nian.
Ho razaun sira ne’e, La’o Hamutuk sei organiza Diskusaun Publiku ho tema “Oinsa Implikasaun Lei ba Rai ba Povu nia Direitu atu Asesu Rai”.
Narador sira mak hanesan:
* Sr. Bernardo de Almeida nudar Asesor Legal iha Ministeriu Justisa
* Representante husi UNMIT
* Sr. Eusebio Guterres nudar Asesor Legal iha Organizasaun Laifet
* Sr. Demetrio Amaral nudar Peskizador ba Sistema Rai Tradisional iha Fundasaun Haburas.
Diskusaun Publiku ne’e sei hala’o iha:
Kuarta, 19 Janeiru 2011. 09:00 - 17:30 OTL
Fatin: Salaun Asosiasaun Hak, Farol, Dili (iha Embaixada Brasil nia oin)
08:30-09:00 Registrasaun
09:00-09:15 Introdusaun
09:15-09:35 Bernardo de Almeida: Oinsa substansia Lei ba Rai atu garante povu nia direitu atu asesu ba rai
09:35-09:55 Representante UNMIT: Oinsa Padraun Lei Internasional garante direitu povu nian ba rai no uma
09:55-10:15 Eusebio Guterres: Oinsa Impaktu Lei ba Rai ba povu nia direitu atu asesu ba Rai
10:15-10:35 Demetrio de Amaral: Oinsa Sistema Rai Tradisional
10:35-10:50 Snack
10:50-12:30 Husu no Hatan
12:30-13:30 Han Meiu-Dia
13:30-14:30 Diskusaun Grupu
14:30-16:30 Apresentasaun Plenaria
16:30-17:00 Taka no Snack
Ba ita bot sira nia partisipasaun no koperasaun ami hatoo obrigada wain.
Ami saran lian,
Ines Martins N. Soares
Peskizadora, La'o Hamutuk (The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis)
Telephone: +670-3325013 or +670-725 8724 mobile
email: ines@laohamutuk.org website: http://www.laohamutuk.org blog: http://laohamutuk.blogspot.com/
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