30 January 2011

Residents are concerned about police officers' professionalism

Timor Post, January 26, 2011 language source: Tetun - Local residents of Hudi-Laran are concerned about the conduct of the Timorese National Police (PNTL) officers to respond to a recent incident which took place in the neighborhood.

Terezinha Alves said she was concerned about the way police responded to  the case as it seemed like they were acting in a provocative manner which will worsen the situation in the country.

"It seems like the police came to worsen the situation. The police said PSHT are thieves and PSHT has destabilized the country. They also used weapons to threaten us.

They did not come to calm the situation down, but made it worse," Alves said.

Alves also called on the Timorese Police Commander, Commissioner Police Longuinhos Monteiro to take the necessary actions against those officers who dirty PNTL's reputation.

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