The prosecutors and clerks will perform line functions and also provide on the job training with the overall goal of strengthening capacity and skills of their national counterparts. It is expected that some of these actors will be assigned to district posts outside of Dili
“It is a great honor for me to be selected for this role and I believe with my professional experience I can contribute to the development of the Prosecution Office and justice system. I have conviction that this is an important mission and that it will personally be a very enriching experiencing. I hope to deliver good results to the authorities that have placed trust in me to participate in this collective effort to strengthen the justice system of Timor-Leste,’’ said Dr. Joao Goncalves Rato, one of the two Prosecutors from Portugal.
There are currently 13 national prosecutors in Timor-Leste, and five more are expected to graduate in February 2010, following the completion of the 3rd group of Magistrates and Public Defenders training course provided by the Legal Training Centre, currently in progress.
The UNDP Justice System Programme is supported by Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNDP Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery.
For more information please contact the Public Information Officer, Shaila Noronha, on +670-730-4445 or on shaila.noronha@undp.org
19/Outubru/2009 Prokuradór sira hosi Kabu-Verde no Portugál: Oscar Tavares, Rui Ramos Marques, João Goncalves Rato no Franklin Furtado iha seremónia simu posse iha Prokuradória Jerál, Dili 14 Outubru 2009.
Dili- Iha loron-14 fulan-Outubru 2009 iha Prokuradór Jerál, Prokuradór Internasionál haat no Eskrivaun Internasionál na’in haat simu posse ba hala’o knaar durante tinan ida nia laran iha Timór-Leste. Autór judisiál hirak-ne’e, hosi Kabu-Verde no Portugál, mai tan akordu kooperasaun ne’ebé promove nomós lojistikamente no finanseiramente apoia ona hosi PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa (PSJ).
Prokuradór no eskrivasaun sira-ne’e sei dezempeña funsaun liña sira no mós sei fó formasaun servisu ho hanoin tomak ba hametin kapasidade no abilidade sira-nia parseiru nasionál nian. Hein katak autór hirak-ne’e balu sei bá hala’o sira-nia knaar iha distritu.
“Hanesan onra boot ida mai ha’u bainhira hetan hili ba knaar ida-ne’e no ha’u fiar ho ha’u-nia esperiénsia profisionál katak ha’u bele kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu Prokuradória no sistema justisa. Ha’u iha konviksaun katak misaun ida-ne’e importante no katak ne’e ba ha’u-nia an rasik nu’udar esperiénsia ida be hariku tebes. Ha’u hein atu presta rezultadu di’ak ba autoridade sira ne’ebé fó ona fiar mai ha’u atu partisipa iha esforsu koletivu ida-ne’e ba hametin Timór-Leste nia sistema justisa,“ dehan Dr. João Goncalves Rato, Prokuradór ida hosi na’in rua ne’ebé mai hosi Portugál.
Daudaun ne’e iha prokuradór nasionál 13 iha Timór-Leste, no hein katak na’in lima tan sei mai hamutuk tan ho sira bainhira kursu formasaun ba Majistradu no Defensór Públiku ba grupu 3o- ne’ebé daudaun ne’e halo hela hosi Sentru Formasaun Jurídika remata ona iha fulan Fevreiro, 2010.
PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa ne’e hetan tulun hosi rai Austrália, Brazíl, Portugál, Noruega, España, Suésia no ONU nia Gabinete Komisáriu Aas ba Direitus Umanus (G-KADU), nomós PNUD nia Departamentu Prevensaun Krize no Rekuperasaun.
Atu hetan informasaun liután halo favór ida kontakta de’it ho Shaila Noronha liuhosi +670-730-4445 eh iha shaila.noronha@undp.org
Image: Prosecutors from Cape Verde and Portugal: Oscar Tavares, Rui Ramos Marques, Joao Goncalves Rato and Franklin Furtado at the swearing in ceremony at the Office of the Prosecutor-General, Dili, 14th October, 2009
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