17 October 2009

Police power transfer in East Timor under question

The PNTL General Loves His Long Arms. - The United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste likes to tell everyone how great their "police project" is in Timor - and the handover is underway. In private the UN, but not UNPOL, admit that it is a total mess.

The Centre for International Cooperation in New York asserts it is a dud.

Handing over what, and to whom?

Several days ago, TVTL carried footage of PNTL training in Atabae, Bobonaro. The training consisted of 150-200 PNTL (Battlhao Ordre Publiku), formerly UIR and URP officers. The training was lead by Jendral Longuinos (earlier noted on this blog here, here and here).

Full post on The Dili Insider

East Timor Law Journal - Towards the rule of law in Timor-Leste.

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