04 April 2009

Training of Timorese national prosecution clerks on the Penal Procedure Code

UNDP DILI On March 23 the Prosecution Office started a two week training course for the national clerks.

This training is instructing the thirteen national clerks, who are in Dili on the penal procedure code and how to take prompt actions to reduce pending cases at the secretariats.

The course is being conducted by Francisco Dias, one of the international clerks, recruited to assist the Dili Prosecution Service.
The training is expected to continue in Suai, Baucau and Oecusse during the coming months.

The participants were divided into two groups so they can perform their activities and not compromise the daily work.

"This initiative is important because we can understand the importance of our work, for example, to have updated information in the registry books and also in the electronic system so others can consult in the future", said Modesta Ximenes.

The material was developed in Portuguese and Tetum and organized by UNDP to facilitate the training.
Image added by ETLJB : Part of Tasi Tolu (The Three Lakes) west of Dili overlooking the island of Atauro.

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