10 March 2012

Soldiers were not campaigning for former military chief

Source: TMR Victory Team PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release - In response to a recent report published on Sky News regarding a concerning development where it was said that witnesses reported seeing serving members of the military directly involved in the campaign of Taur Matan Ruak and that soldiers were witnessed at his campaign launch in Dili last week [the soldiers]have since been seen in districts outside of the capital supporting Taur Matan Ruak.

In Baucau, direct involvement of serving soldiers in election campaigns have also been reported. The soldiers were in uniform handing out election paraphernalia in support of Matan Ruak in the district of Same. Supposed witnesses also reported that the soldiers were armed and had arrived in vehicles belonging to the F-FDTL.

Ekipa da Vitoria – Taur Matan Ruak advises that this information is untrue and best referred to the Chief of the Armed Forces – F-FDTL, Major-General Lere Anan Timur for further clarification.

As well, there have also been recent public comments that have observed Taur Matan Ruak wearing military uniform. His main campaign photo (as above) has already been approved by the Supreme Court and the electoral authorities CNE and STAE.

Independent Presidential Candidate, Taur Matan Ruak, resigned from his military post late last year and as such is now a civilian citizen running for public office. His candidacy has been and continues to be widely supported and current presidential campaigns throughout the country have been well received by overwhelming numbers of supporters from all sections of Timorese society.


For further information please contact direct Mr. Fidelis Magalhães, Spokesperson for Ekipa da Vitória – Taur Matan Ruak on 790 6936. Please also visit our website http://www.tmr2012.org/ for other information.


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