UNMIT Administration of Justice - In 2008, a number of key challenges faced the justice sector, including insufficient capacity, issues with the makeup of the Court of Appeal and insufficiently robust institutions. However, despite these challenges, there were some significant accomplishments.
The Administration of Justice Section Unit (AJSU) continued assisting the local authorities though the UN Justice Working Group and its sub working groups to review and offer comments on draft legislation important for the development of the legal framework in Timor-Leste. The Unit facilitated coordination of UN inputs to the draft laws regarding witness protection, juveniles, the establishment of an anti-corruption commission, domestic violence and the criminal code which is now for review and adoption at the Council of Ministers AJSU also contributed to, and is encouraged by, the efforts to enhance cooperation between the prosecution and police.
This cooperation was specifically with respect to serving notifications, a long awaited transfer of prosecution files to their respective jurisdictions in Baucau and Oecussi and the consideration of an overall case management system which is hoped to result in a significant increase in the number of criminal cases processed in the New Year.
In corrections, an alcohol awareness workshop was held for prisoners and prison staff and a strategy has been formulated to further reform the corrections service.
Source: http://unmit.unmissions.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=DaJrQ62buZo%3d&tabid=221&mid=637
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