UNMIT Daily Media Review - Afternoon Headlines, 21 August 2008
Timor-Leste-Portugal sign agreement on developing justice sector – Timor Post, 22 August
The Timorese and Portuguese Government have signed agreements on developing justice sector in Timor-Leste. The Portuguese Government through its Justice Minister, Alberto da Costa and Timorese Justice Minister, Lucia Lobato yesterday officially signed two kinds of agreement and was witnessed by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. Portugal has supported the country in the field of justice, such as providing legal advisors to help Timorese legal practitioners.
Authority denies rumors on the release of Salsinha and followers – Timor Poost, 22 August
Timorese authorities have denied rumors mongering that former rebel leader, Gastao Salsinha and his followers have been released from serving a provisional sentence in Dili's Becora jail on (20/8). National Director for Prison, Helena Gomes said the rumors on the release of Salsinha and followers were unknown to her and said they were still being locked up in the prison. "The release of Salsinha and his followers are unknown to us, the fact shows they are still in the prison," Gomes said. She added Salsinha and his men should serve their provisional sentence, as they had no right to be freed.
F-FDTL will use ships for watching over Timor Sea – Timor Post, 22 August
Timorese Defense Force Naval Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Pedro Klamar Fuik, said they would use two ships that would be purchased by the Government from China to watch over the Timor Sea from illegal fishing. The commander said many times foreigners had illegally conducted illegal fishing in the country's maritime zone, therefore the ships would help support them in doing their tasks. Klamar Fuik said the defense force's Naval Unit were facing major problem, because they only had small ship and was incapable to control all the maritime zones.
Gun law important to be debated, says Lasama – Diario Nacional, 222 August
Parliamentary President Fernando "Lasama" Araujo, said the gun law was very important as other laws and was urgent to be debated soon. "The gun law is being top priority of the Parliament to be debated after passing one month of quiet period," Lasama said. Lasama said it was a decree law produced by the Government which aimed at recalling all the illegal weapons and did not mean to distribute weapons to the civilians. Lasama said only the country's security forces and intelligence service members were allowed to carry weapons.
F-FDTL reforms should go through educational investment, says Ruak – Diario Nacional, 22 August
Timorese Defense Force Commander, Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak, said in reforming the county's defense force should strongly be invested in the field of education. "Investment in the field of education is being responsibility of the Government. Education should be strong, so that people could have good skills and have good conscience," the commander said. Rua said the defense force would hold a new recruitment to the news soldiers this year and they currently waiting for military law to be approved by the Parliament.
Agriculture minister meets with President Horta - Radio Televisaun Timor-Leste, 22 August
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Mariano "Asanami" Sabino Lopes has met with President Jose Ramos Horta, talking on plaque inaugurating of Nino Konis Santana National Park. After meeting with the president, the minister said apart from talking about the plaque of the national park, they were also discussing the agricultural ministry's activities on increasing local products in the country. Asanami said the president strongly supported his agricultural activities, as it would help reduce poverty in the country. Minister Asanami added President Horta had stated his readiness to hold some official visits to directly look closer at the farming activities held by the farmers in the field.
Need to amend constitution before setting up anti-corruption commission, says Ximenes – Suara Timor Lorosa'e, 22 August
Timorese Human Rights and Justice Ombudsmen, Sebastião Diaz Ximenes, said in setting up an anti-corruption in the country should firstly make amendment to the constitution, the Article 132, because the article stated only the Public Prosecution had the right to exercise the penal process.
Ximenes said if the country wanted to set up the proposed commission was similar to Indonesia's KKP, then it would exercise the role of the Public Prosecution, because the KKP was allowed to hold investigation into any case of corruption. Ximenes proposed to the countries state bodies, such as Government and Parliament to look at laws for human rights ombudsmen and public prosecution, so that it could not be in conflict with each institution's role. "We all want the anti-corruption commission to work well, therefore should avoid double roles," He added.
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