06 August 2008

Timor-Leste: Humanitarian update 12 Jul - 01 Aug 2008

Extracts Full Update is at http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900SID/SODA-7H9A2H?OpenDocument

Human Rights

• On 18 July, the Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section of UNMIT (HRTJS) provided technical advice to the ongoing development of the Housing Rights Network via its focal point NGO Forum Tau Matan. With support from the HRTJS and (the Centre On Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), the NGO Forum expects the Statue of the Housing Rights Network to be signed by its 23 members in early August. The development of the Housing Rights Network will contribute to better monitoring and reporting on housing rights issues, particularly on forced evictions and secondary occupants. With a communication strategy in place, designed to target the rights of IDPs, the network aims to eventually target the general population and work towards holding public officials accountable for rights not being fulfilled. In the absence of a land and property rights law, the network also plans to work with government officials to help approve the much needed law.

• On 31 July, the Housing Rights Network with UNMIT support launched the brochure “Housing Rights for IDPs and All.” Representatives of 19 local and international NGOs attended the event.



(Source: Joint NGO Security Office)

The overall security situation in Timor Leste was quiet and generally calm, although tensions around IDP returns were noted.

10 16 JULY

According to UN statistics, there were 45 recorded incidents across Timor-Leste, which is more than the last reporting period (24) and above the average (approx 30). UN Police (UNPol) made 99 arrests.

• 10 11 July: Student demonstrations continued in Democracy Field although only a small number of protesters attended. In total, 52 students were arrested following their participation in the demonstrations; they were released after their various 72 hour detention periods were finished

• 15 July: The national weapons collections campaign, which consists of a public information campaign around the country, began and will last until 1 August. The campaign encourages persons to voluntarily hand in their weapons before the new weapons laws take effect. From 1 to 15 August, weapons will be collected, primarily at police stations but members of the public can hand weapons to any national or international security force in Timor-Leste. The weapons collected will be destroyed at a public ceremony on 30 August.

• F-FDTL troops are stationed in Ermera and Bobonaro districts and patrolling certain areas of Dili.

16 23 JULY

According to UN statistics, there were 44 recorded incidents across Timor-Leste, which is slightly less than the last reporting period (45) and above the average (approx 30). UNPol made 106 arrests.
The office of the Provedor of Human Rights announced that an investigation into the actions of the PNTL in response to the student demonstrations of 7 - 9 June will be conducted.

23 30 JULY

According to UN statistics, there were 47 recorded incidents across Timor-Leste, which is more than the last reporting period (44) and above the average (approx 30). UNPol made 63 arrests.

Post sponsored by East Timor Law Journal - Towards the rule of law in Timor-Leste!

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