UNMIT reaction to recent media reports about Moon Bar
PRESS RELEASE - UNMIT reaction to recent media reports
Dili, 9 October, 2009 - The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has seen the media report of the alleged presence of UNMIT staff at the Moon Bar in Dili, Timor-Leste during a raid conducted by the Immigration Police. This is one of a number of locations designated as "off-limits" to UN personnel.
UNMIT has a zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse. This includes a ban on paying for sexual services and visiting "off-limits" locations such as the Moon Bar.
UNMIT takes appropriate action in all cases where there is evidence of misconduct in accordance with the established procedures.
We request all concerned to share with us all information they may have on this or any case of apparent misconduct by UN personnel. UNMIT’s Conduct and Discipline hot-line remains open.
UNMIT Conduct and Discipline Unit’s hotline number and email address:
Phone: 7311826 ( English/Tetum/Bahasa/Portuguese)
Email: cdt-unmit@un.org
Komunikadu Imprensa: UNMIT nia resposta ba notísia ne'ebé foin sai iha mídia
Dili, 9 Outubru, 2009 –Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) haree notísia iha mídia ne'ebé alega katak durante operasaun ida ne'ebé Polísia Imigrasaun hala’o iha Moon Bar, iha Dili, iha funsionáriu balu UNMIT nian iha-ne’ebá. Fatin ida-ne’e inklui iha lista fatin hirak ne'ebé funsionáriu ONU ‘labele tama’.
UNMIT la iha toleránsia ba esplorasaun no abuzu seksuál. Ida-ne’e inklui proibisaun atu selu osan hodi hetan servisu seksuál no vizita fatin ne'ebé ‘labele tama’ hanesan Moon Bar.
UNMIT foti asaun ne'ebé apropriadu iha kazu hotu-hotu bainhira iha evidénsia katak ema ida halo komportamentu aat, tuir prosedimentu sira ne'ebé estabelese tiha ona.
Ami husu ema hotu-hotu ne'ebé iha informasaun atu kontakta ami kona-ba kazu ne’e, ka kazu seluk ruma ne'ebé envolve funsionáriu ONU mak halo komportamentu aat karik. Seksaun Komportamentu no Dixiplina UNMIT nian iha númeru telefone ida ne’ebé sempre nakloke.
UNMIT Conduct and Discipline Unit’s hotline number and email address:
Phone: 7311826 ( English/Tetum/Bahasa/Portuguese)
Email: cdt-unmit@un.org
See also An analysis of the social problem of prostitution in East Timor
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