PNTL commander urges UN police commander to identify his two police officers Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2 July 2009 Timorese Police Commander General Longinhos Monteiro has threatened to order his police officers to identify two UN-GNR police officers who are believed to have been engaged in an assault on Prime Minister Gusmoa's security guards last Saturday.
Brigadier Ruak meets with President Horta Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2 July 2009 Timorese Defence Force (F-FDTL) Commander Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak has met with President Jose Ramos Horta to discuss development of defence and security in the country.
Defence Forces must increase to 3000 soldiers Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2 July 2009 Timorese Defence Force (F-FDTL) Commander Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak said that the country's defence force personnel must be increase to reach 3000 in preparation for facing global challenges.
F-FDTL, UN and Govt recommend holding monthly meeting Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2 July 2009 The Timorese Defence Force (F-FDTL), the UN and the Government have made some recommendations to hold a monthly meeting with local authorities in the border to strengthen good coordination.
F-FDTL soldiers' action to respond situation has no relation with petitioners Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2 July 2009 President of Parliamentary Committee B for Defence and Security, Duarte Nunes, said the Timorese Defence Force soldiers' action responding to the recent clashes involving martial art clubs in Maliana had no relation with the former petitioner soldiers.
Ex-PSD MP Fernando Gusmao to continue to support AMP Government Timor Newsline 2 July 2009 Former Social Democratic Party MP Fernando Gusmao said although he had officially resigned from the Parliament as an MP and resigned from the party he would keep supporting the Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) Government.
Court still considering village chiefs elections law: Ximenes Timor Post 2 July 2009 The Court of Appeal President Claudio Ximenes said the village chiefs elections law was still under consideration by the Court.
National Development Party to register in the Court of Appeal Timor Post 2 July 2009 The newly formed Partidu Dezenvolvementu Nasional (PDN) will legally register in the Court of Appeal in the run up of the village chiefs’ election.
Timor-Leste needs international judges Timor Post 2 July 2009 The Court of Appeal President Claudio Ximenes said Timor-Leste still needed international judges for about five or ten years to help support the country's courts.
Parliament discusses Jurists remuneration Suara Timor Lorosae 2 July 2009 The Parliament has started discusing the remuneration law for the jurist proposed by the Government aimed at increasing the salary of the jurists, prosecutors and public defenders.
We all need to support KAK: Alvaro Suara Timor Lorosae 2 July 2009 President of the Timorese National Enterprise Forum Julio Alvaro has called for all entities to contribute to the new anti-corruption commission (KAK) that would be established so that KAK could conduct its tasks optimally to reduce corruption in the country.
Artwork by Arte Moris
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