13 July 2009

Rede ba Rai Press Release: Only brief thoughts from Baucau on the new Land Law allowed

12 July 2009 Rede ba Rai Press Release: Only brief thoughts from Baucau on the new Land Law - On Tuesday 7 July, the Minister for Justice continued her public consultation on the draft Land Law, this time in Baucau.

Why are we sharing communities' ‘brief thoughts’ from Baucau? Pedro Vieira land Network member explained that “participants got only 90 minutes to air their concerns at the Baucau meeting”, since Baucau has a population of approximately 110,000 this means about 50 milliseconds [0.05 seconds] for each person. Brief indeed!

“This is a law that will decide if you have land or not. It will decide how community land is managed. It will decide how land disputes are resolved.”

“It will have a huge impact on our society” says Ines Martins of La’o Hamutuk.

Land Network Members shared some of the following thoughts that came forward in the short 90 minute consultation;

“Participants felt that they needed more time to read and discuss the law before they provided comments.”

“A lawyer who works on land cases in Baucau said that even she did not understand the government’s complicated presentation on the draft Land Law” said Shona Hawkes of La’o Hamutuk.

“Several people asked the minister to write a law that was fair, that would not create new land victims, and that gave communities a real role in administering their own land,” summarized Pedro.

“People are particularly worried about the compensation structure that is not laid out in the law and about the lack of protection given to community land”.

Although the Minister assured participants that the law would re-distribute land in Timor-Leste, and guaranteed that it would give land to those who currently do not have land rights, many community members left the meeting worried and confused as there are no articles in the law that match the ministers words.

The minister arrived 1 ½ hours late to the meeting and left 2 hours early, according to Pedro – “This reflects the government’s lack of commitment to effective public consultation on this law”.

For further information and public comment please contact Meabh Cryan from the Rede ba Rai at +670 730 7800, Pedro Vieira at +670 7269038 or email meabhcryan@gmail.com.
Lian badak de'it husi Baucau kona-ba Lei de Terras foun 12 Julhu, 2009 Loron Tersa, 7 Julhu, Ministra Justisa tuir ninia planu ba konsultasaun públiku ba esbosu Lei ba Rai, no hatun ba Baucau.

Tanba sa Rede-nian uza phrase ‘Lian badak de'it husi Baucau’? Pedro Vieira husi Rede ba Rai mak explika katak “hotu hamutuk partisipantes husi Baucau hetan minutes 90 de’it atu koalia kona-ba Lei de Terras”.

Baucau iha populasaun 110,000 resin entaun ne’e fó ema ida-idak husi Baucau 50 millisecond [0.05 detik] atu fo sira-nia hanoin kona-ba lei. Badak tebes!

“Lei ba Rai atu deside sé ema rai-nain ka lae. Lei ne’e atu deside sé mak iha direitu ba rai komunidade no lei ne’e atu deside oinsa bele rezolve disputa-sira kona ba rai.”

“Lei ne’e atu fó impaktu maka’as ba ita-nia sosiedade”, dehan Ines Martins husi La’o Hamutuk.

Membru Rede ba Rai ne’ebé halo monitorizasaun enkontru publiku mak fahe lian ruma ne’e, iha kraik, ne’ebé mai husi komunidade Baucau durante tempu badak enkontru publiku;

“Partisipantes dehan katak sira presiza tempu atu hare’e no hanoin kona-ba esbozu lei ne’e molok sira fó komentariú”, dehan Pedrito.

“Avogada ida ne’ebé servisu ba kazus rai iha Baucau dehan katak nia mós ladun komprende governu-nia aprezentasaun kona-ba esbosu Lei ba Rai” dehan Shona Hawkes husi La’o Hamutuk.

Pedro mak fo summariu katak, “ema barak husu Ministra da Justica atu hakerek lei ne’ebe justu, sira dehan mos labele halo lei sei hamosu fali vitima foun, no husu katak lei foun sei fó valór ba komunidade-nia knaar iha jestaun rai.”

“Ema barak mak tauk kona-ba estrutura kompensasaun iha Lei ne’e no sira tauk mos katak estado la fo valór ba rai komunidade-nian”.

Ministra mak hato’o promesa katak Lei ne’e atu halo distribuisaun rai ne’ebé justu, no katak lei sei distribui rai ba sidadaun balun ne’ebé seidauk iha rai pedasuk, maibé partisipante barak mak fila ba sira-nian uma tauk tamba sira seidauk haree promesa ida ne’e hakerek iha Lejislasaun nia laran.

Ministra mak mai tarde oras 1 ½ no sai oras 2 molok tempu remata. “Ne’e hanesan evidensia katak governu la iha komitmentu ba konsultasaun públiku ne’ebé efetivu kona-ba Lei ne’e.”

Ba informasaun tan ka halo intrevista, bele kontaktu ba Pedro Viera husi Rede ba Rai at +670 726 9038 ka email redebarai@gmail.com
For more information on land law and policy in East Timor, please see Timor-Leste Land Law and Policy Information

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