21 October 2017

Police Commander maintains Timor-Leste tranquil during the Government program debate

!WARNING MACHINE TRANSLATION! From Noticias ao Minuto  01:19 - 18/10/17 POR LUSA The commander of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) said today that the situation on the territory of Timor-Leste is of "total tranquility", without reports of serious incidents during the week in which the Government's program is being discussed.

The situation is totally quiet throughout the territory. There are rumors and rumors that spread in the community but that later our information services confirm not to be true. It's all calm, "said Julio Hornay, speaking to Lusa in Dili.

Since Monday that the Government is presenting in the National Parliament the executive's program that may be the subject of motions for rejection of the opposition, which is majority, which, if it occurs, would entail the fall of the Government.

Despite concerns of some citizens, including foreigners, about the possible impact that this political debate may have on security, Júlio Hornay assures that the two forces, PNTL and Timor-Leste Defense Forces (F-FDTL) are monitoring the situation.

"The FDTL and the PNTL are two united forces to ensure stability and peace. Our message to the community and people of Timor-Leste is to be calm, at ease, at ease," he said.

"Each one does his work, his normal life, that the two forces, the PNTL and the FDTL, in coordination of work, are ready to guarantee security," he said.

One of the places where security is above normal is in the enclosure of the National Parliament, where there is more police presence. One of the access gates that is normally open has been closed and there are people and luggage checked.

Original Portuguese text here: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/883798/timor-leste-vive-tranquilidade-antes-do-debate-do-programa-do-governo

See also on ETLJB Timorese Security Sector CSO Fundasaun Mahein says Dili exodus begins in fear of conflict as citizens and foreigners flee

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