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Lere Anan Timur |
As commander of the forces that guarantee state security, law, order and peace, I appeal to everyone in Timor-Leste to remain calm. The situation is under control. The nation is safe, "said Lere Anan Timur, commander of the Timor-Leste Defence Forces (F-FDTL).
"If there is a problem, the armed forces and the police will take the necessary measures," he told journalists, along with the commander of the National Police. Timor-Leste (PNTL), Júlio Hornay.
The two officials responsible for the country's security forces were speaking after a meeting with the President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, a day after the opposition approved a motion to reject the government program.
Explaining that the situation is completely peaceful, Lere Anan Timur addressed the "people, youth, illustrious MPs, leaders, intellectuals" of the country to ask for calm at a time when "MEPs meeting in the National Parliament are deciding the future of Timor-Leste ".
"In the current situation the population feels some fear, I fear that the leaders can spoil the situation. There is less movement on the streets, in the municipalities they are all watching the situation," he said.
"But it's all under control Leave the rumors Who's studying, studying, who's in your business Stay in your business Keep your life in normality We, from the state apparatus, are here to ensure normality and safety ", said.
The F-FDTL commander said that democracy has rules that have to be respected and recalled the "maturity and responsibility" that the population showed in this year's presidential, March and legislative elections in July and that it should be built on this success.
Lere Anan Timur said that the goal of the older generation is to show the younger generation what they have learned from their mistakes, since "as long as leaders are not mature, they are not coherent, the nation will mark a step."
"In this current situation, which speaks of the lack of political maturity of these young leaders, we, of the older generation, our main objective is national stability, to be able to produce the progress and development of the nation," he said.
In a final warning, Lere Anan Timur said that the armed forces and the police will not "tolerate any anarchism in East Timor, from anybody, from the type to the base" and that security will always act "on anyone who violates the principles and the laws".
On Thursday, after the vote on the motion, East Timorese political leaders including the prime minister appealed to the people to remain calm.
The motion was approved with the support of the National Congress of East Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) and the Popular Liberation Party (PLP) - led respectively by former Timorese presidents and historical leaders Xanana Gusmão and Taur Matan Ruak - and the deputies of Kmanek Haburas Timor Oan National Unit (KHUNTO), which debuts in parliament in the current legislature.ENDS
Original Portuguese text here: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/883798/timor-leste-vive-tranquilidade-antes-do-debate-do-programa-do-governo
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