President of the Republic English PRESS RELEASE Dili, 23 October 2017 President of the Republic Appoints Members of the Council of State Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace, Bairro Pité, 17 October – The President of the Republic Francisco Guterres Lú Olo on Monday appointed by Presidential decree five Timorese citizens – two women and three men – to the Council of State:
1. Faustino Godinho Gonçalves - Presidential decree no.73/2017
2. Laura Soares Abrantes - Presidential decree no.74/2017
3. Maria Dadi Soares Magno - Presidential decree no.75/2017
4. Oscar Lima - Presidential decree no.76/2017
5. Alcino de Araújo Baris - Presidential decree no.77/2017
The five members were designated for a period of five years, equal to the term of office of the Head of State.
According to the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, article 86, n), and article 2 of Law no. 1/2005 of 9 September, it is incumbent upon the President of the Republic to appoint five members to the Council of State.End
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