23 October 2017

U.S. Embassy in Timor-Leste List of Lawyers & Legal Service Providers in Timor-Leste 2015

Last updated: 23 July 2015

List of Legal Service Providers in Timor-Leste

Abreu e C&C Advogados Timor-Leste
Tel: +670 7817-3587
Email: emp@abreuccadvogados.com
Website: www.abreuadvogados.com
Areas of Expertise: commercial law, tax law,
labour law, oil & gas, civil and criminal law
Languages: Portuguese, Tetum, Indonesian,
English, Chinese, Spanish, French
Fees: Fees vary based on case.

ALFELA (Legal Aid for Women and Children –
Asisténsia Legál ba Feto no Labarik)
Ms. Merita Correia
Tel: +670 7724-4304
Web: http://www.alfela.tl/
Areas of Expertise: criminal and civil legal
assistance for victims of domestic violence,
sexual violence, and adolescent sexual
Languages: Tetum, Indonesian, English
Fees: No fees.

Asosiasaun HAK

Mr. Manuel Monteiro
Tel: +670 7725-7676
Email: direito@yayasanhak.minihub.org
Web: http://www.yayasanhak.minihub.org
Areas of Expertise: civil law, particularly
property rights, human rights abuse issues, and
occasionally criminal cases.
Languages: Indonesian, Tetum
Fees: Fees vary depending on case and are

CRA Timor-Leste
Contact: Duarte Simões Carneiro,
Lawyer/Managing Director
Tel: +670 7790-6446 or +670 332-5360
E-mail: dsc@cratimor.com
Areas of Expertise: business/corporate law,
natural resources/oil and gas, foreign
investment, telecommunications, civil and real
estate law, IT/IP law, and company domicile.
Languages: English, Portuguese, Tetum
Fees: Fees vary depending on case and are

Da Silva Teixeira & Associados
Sahe da Silva, Lawyer
Tel: +670 331-1010
Email: sahe.da.silva@gmail.com
Web: www.dasilva.tl
Areas of Expertise: banking and finance, natural
resources, corporate and commercial,
constitutional law, contracts, foreign
investment law, construction and property
development, industrial relations, taxation law,
project finance, and telecommunications.
Languages: Portuguese, Tetum, Spanish, English
Fees: Fees vary depending on case and are

Assosiacao Advogados Timor-Leste (AATL)
Mr. Eusebio Guterres
Tel: +670 7723-4501; +670 7337-7111; or
+670 331-0086
Email: eusebioguterres@gmail.com;
Areas of Expertise: labor law and commercial
Languages: English, Tetum, Indonesian
Fees: Fees vary depending on case and are

Judicial System Monitoring Program
Mr. Luis Oliveira Sampaio
Tel: +670 7724-2993 or 670 7729-5795
Email: luis@jsmp.minihub.org
Web: http://jsmp.tl/en/
Areas of Expertise: in criminal law, and civil law
Languages: Portuguese, Tetum, Indonesian,
Fees: No fees.

Miranda Correia Amendoeira & Associados
Ms. Joana Custóias
Tel: +670 331-1400
Mob: +670 7745-9765
Email: dili@mirandalawfirm.com
Web: www.mirandaalliance.com
Areas of Expertise: energy and natural
resources, construction, banking, tax
consultancy and planning, civil litigation, real
Last updated: 23 July 2015 2
estate investment and transactions,
expropriations and administrative law,
corporate, labor, concessions, consumer,
construction and planning, mergers and
acquisitions, environment.
Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish,
French, Tetum, Indonesian
Fees: No information provided.

P&R Law Firm/Instituto Juridicio De TimorLeste
Tel: +670 7800-1140
Email: pnr.lawfirmdili@gmail.com;
Areas of Expertise: criminal and civil law.
Languages: English, Tetum, Indonesian,
Fees: Fees vary depending on case. Criminal and
civil cases are charged differently. Registration
fees are $500. Services are free for victims of
domestic violence or sexual abuse.

SJG Advogados
Mr. Jose MG Guterres
Tel: +670 7732-8888
Email: sjgadvogados@gmail.com
Areas of Expertise: criminal law and civil law
Languages: Tetum, Portuguese, Indonesian,
Fees: Information on charges is available by
visiting the office located at Rua Belarminho.

Tilman & Associados
Manuel Tilman, Attorney at Law
Tel: + 670 7723-4970
Email: tilman.tl@gmail.com
Areas of Expertise: commercial law, foreign
investment, contract, registration and notary,
criminal law, civil cases, economy and finance,
and oil and gas.
Languages: Portuguese, Tetum, English
Fees: Fees vary depending on case and are

VSP & Klinika Unpaz
Mr. Benedito Dos Santos
Tel: +670 7725-2532
Areas of Expertise: civil and criminal law. Firm
gives priority to economically vulnerable
Languages: Tetum, Portuguese, English,
Indonesian Bahasa
Fees: No information provided.

The U.S. Embassy in Timor-Leste assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the above persons or firms. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department of State or the U.S. Embassy. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information in the list on professional credentials, areas of expertise and language ability are provided directly by the lawyers; the Embassy is not in a position to vouch for such information. You may receive additional information about the individuals on the list by contacting the local bar association or the local licensing authorities. Companies or firms that would like to be added to the list may contact the Embassy at consdili@state.gov.

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