IV Constitutional Government
The Council of Minister's Meeting of 29 July, 2009
The Council of Ministers held a meeting, on this Wednesday, July 29th.2009, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, in the Government Building, in Dili, and has approved:
1. Broard Agreement between the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of Republic of South Africa on Technical Cooperation
As it is aimed at tighten and increasing the friendship and cooperation between both peoples and countries and recognizing the importance of technical cooperation as one of the most effective way to face the challenges in the developing countries, therefore, the Council of the Ministers has approved this Agreement. The Government of Timor-Leste and South Africa have agreed the cooperation in the following areas that are considered prioritized: Human Resources Training (particularly in the scope of Public Service and above all the judiciary system); reform for the security sector; infrastructure development; education (specially for tertiary education); capacity building; Youth development and other areas which could be agreed by the both Parties.
The Council of Ministers has also analyzed:
1. The Plan for the 10th. Celebration of Popular Consultation
In the meeting today, it was discussed the RTTL’s programming of 30th.August celebration, a day for Popular Consultation. In addition to the presentation made by RTTL, the members of the Council of the Ministers have proposed their suggestions for historical enrichment of the program previously scheduled for that day
2. The proposal on the Telecommunication Policy
The members of the Council of the Ministers realize the importance of the telecommunications for the future development of Timor-Leste, they’ve focused themselves on its policy. The target of the analyzes laid on the level of the access to mobile phone, geographical covering and the access of the districts and rural areas for this service, the internet services and its quality, transversal to the phone and internet services.
The Government is concerned to be able to provide for everybody a broader access to those services that are considered indispensable for economic development distribution.
3. The proposal of Professional Capacity Building Policy
The Professional Capacity Building Policy proposed today by the State Secretariat for Professional Development and Employment, refers to a vision related to a system of capacity building in Timor-Leste which could respond to the competencies development that contribute to the employment. In compliance to the Program of the Government, the same policy consists of a number of guided principles that lead to an investment on developing Timorese women and men competences. The Government realizes that these competences should be able to make considerably contribution to the establishment of the employment and creating jobs.
The objectives of the Professional Capacity Building Policy are: the establishment of the priorities on the required competences to a consistent growth; the improvement and the relevancy of entities for capacity building and form of leading this capacity building itself; the promotion of the best quality of capacity building in working places; the promotion of employment and ways of sustainable life through the development of competences and also the assistance for the vulnerable groups to participate in essential works, in the integrated education and in the programs which allow them to get access to the job and employment market by themselves.
4. The proposal of National Strategy for the Employment
The National Strategy for the Employment (ENE) proposed by the State Secretariat for Professional Development and Employment to the members of the Council of Ministers, has the main objective to respond to the need of improving the possible employment of the Youth and the vulnerable groups. The improvement of possible employment and jobs should be based also on the improvement of the human resources, as the framework defined by IV Constitutional Government.
ENE was being developed along with National Policy for the System of Professional Capacity Building in Timor-Leste and intended to establish the employment and to reduce poverty. This strategy identifies the areas and sectors that would be essentials to commence the economic growth and to create jobs: Agriculture, rural zones, infrastructure projects and public constructions, dwelling, transforming industry, domestic trade, tourism, emigrate employment and oil, gas and minerals.
Secretaria de Estado do Conselho de Ministros
Díli, Palacio do Governo
29 de Julho de 2009
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