05 November 2008

East Timor Government to start land data collection in Liquica and Manatuto

USAID / TLGOV / Ita Nia Rai


22 October 2008

Government to start land data collection in Liquica and Manatuto

Communities will be able to submit land ownership claims

Today in Dili Dr. Zacarias Albano, representing the Ministry of Justice, and Mr. Antonio Verdial da Sousa, the Director of the National Directorate of Land, Property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC) announced the upcoming start of land claims collection in to pilot areas of Liquica and Manatuto districts. These areas, in Suco Data in Liquica and Sucos Aiteas, Ma'abat, Ailili and Sau, in Manatuto, will be used as 'pilot' areas in which new digital land surveying technology will be tested for the first time in Timor-Leste.

The USAID-funded "Ita Nia Rai" project has been conducting community meetings in the two pilot areas with the objective of providing information to community members on how to make a land ownership claim as an individual, group or organization. So far the project has received strong support from the communities, and over 300 men and women have attended public information sessions.

"This program is a high priority for the Government of Timor-Leste, since many problems arise due to uncertainty over land ownership," commented Minister for Foreign Affairs Zacarias Albano, who today was representing the Minister of Justice. "Strengthening property rights can help us to improve security in communities, and make sure we can transfer land to our children in the future," he added.

Director Verdial used the occasion to say that "this process is an opportunity for community members to record their claims to land ownership. It is like creating a map of who owns land in the community, but the communities themselves will be creating this map." He added: "The process provides an equal opportunity for men, women, influential and ordinary people to submit a land ownership claim."

"This process will not award anyone certificates or titles to land at this time, but in the future the Government can use the data collected (in the National Property Cadastre) to develop a system of certification," Director Verdial added.

The "Ita Nia Rai" program has already conducted preliminary visits to all 13 districts of the country, and when the pilot phase is over, in 2009 the national claims collection process will be expanded to other districts, including the capital, Dili.

Strengthening Property Rights in Timor-Leste (known locally as the "Ita Nia Rai" or "Our Land" programme) is a five-year programme funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by ARD Inc. and ACDI/VOCA, organisations with worldwide experience in developing land systems in post-conflict countries and in conflict prevention for community stabilization. Working with the National Directorate for Land, Property and Cadastral Services and the Ministry of Justice, the program provides technical and policy support to develop a sustainable and transparent property rights system in Timor-Leste.

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Komunikado iha :
22 Outobro 2008


Komunidade sira sei hetan oportunidade atu halo deklarasaun na'in ba rai

22 Outobro 2008, Fundacao Oriente, Dili, Timor-Leste.

Ohin loron, Dr. Zacharias da Costa, Representante husi Ministra da Justiça, hamutuk ho Sr. Antonio Verdial, Direitor Direçcão Nacional de Terras, Propriedades e Serviços Cadastrais, anuncio katak prosesu nasional Foti Dadus kona-ba Rai sei hahu iha tempu badak iha distritu Liquica, Suco Dato no distritu Manatuto,Suco Aiteas, Aiteas, Ma'abat, Ailili no Suco Sau hodi hametin direitu ba rai no propriedades iha Timor – Leste . Area hirak ne'e mak hanesan area pilotu ne'be permite ba programa atu koko no hametin prosedimentu tekniku ne'ebe foun iha Timor-Leste.

Agora daudaun program "Ita Nia Rai" halao hela enkontru komunitariu iha area ne'ebe, ho objetivo fo informasaun ba komunidade kona-ba oinsa halo deklarasaun nudar na'in ba rai. Durante enkontru komunitarius komunidade sira hatudu nia partisipasaun diak e pronto fo suporta ba implementasaun programa nebe refere, mais aumenus ema hamutuk 500 mak asiste ona programa sosializasaun iha enkontru komunitarius.

"Programa ne'e hanesan prioridade bo'ot ba Governu Timor-Leste tanba problema barak mosu kona-ba rai", lian hirak ne'e husi Dr. Zacharias da Costa, Ministru Negosios Estranjeirus ne'ebe ohin representa Ministra da Justiça. "Hametin direitu ba propriedade rai hanesan hametin seguranca ba komunidade hotu hotu no garantia ita sei bele transfere ita nia rai ba ita nia oan sira iha futuru."

Iha oportunidade ne'e Sr. Antonio Verdial de Sousa hateten katak "prosesu ne'e sei fó oportunidade ba membrus komunidade atu rekorda sira nia deklarasaun nu'udar nain ba rai. Ne'e hanesan prosesu ida kria mapa husi komunidade ne'ebe komunidade rasik marka sira nia hanoin kona-ba se mak iha direitu ba rai." Nia aumenta: "Prosesu ne'e fo oportunidade igual ba mane, feto, ema boot ka ema kiik atu halo deklarasaun ida nudar na'in ba rai."

Prosesu ne,e laos hanesan fo direitu ka sertifikadu ida ba rai maibe iha tempu naruk, Governu bele uza baze dadus (Kadastru) ne'e atu dezenvolve sistema ida sertifikasaun." Nia hatutan tan.

Programa "Ita Nia Rai" visita tiha ona ho Administrador sira husi distritu 13, no hetan suporta maka'as ba inisiativa ida ne'e. Bainhira inisiativu pilotu hotu ona iha area 2 ne'e, iha tinan 2009 programa "Ita Nia Rai" sei habelar ba area no distritu seluk inklui area Dili.

Projetu Ita-Nia Rai ne'e ho durasaun tinan lima ne'ebé hetan fundus husi Governu Amerikano liu hosi USAID hodi tulun Governu Timor Leste atu asegura direitu ba rai no propriedade iha nasaun ne'e. Serbisu hamutuk ho DNTPSC no Ministerio da Justiça, programa ida ne'e atu fó asistensia téknika no suporta regulamentu ba dezenvolvimento sustentavel no transparante ba sistema direitu ba propridade iha Timor-Leste.

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