Agenda 139/II Plenary Meeting of Monday, of 13 October 2008
A special plenary session today was presided by President of National Parliament, Mr Fernando Lasama de Araujo II assisted by Deputy Secretary of the Bureau, Sra. Maria Teresa de Carvalho.
The President said that the Conference of Leaders of the benches on Friday the 10th of October 2008, was discussed on the elimination of any political declarations. Reported that the Parliament will invite international experts of transparency to give explanations on international corruption. He said that currently the First Vice-President of the National Parliament Mr Vicente da Silva Guterres is on a family visit in Portugal after his official visit in Cuba. The second Vice-President Paixao and two Deputies (Dep Mr. Martins and Mr. Dep Antonio Machado Caldas) went to Geneva to attend a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). The Secretary of the Bureau Sra Terezinha Viegas and I Deputy Secretary Maria Expostoto had treatments for health in Surabaya / Indonesia.
Attended the Foreign Minister, Mr. Zacarias Albano da Costa and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Vicky Chong as authors of the resolution no. 3/II on the Agreement on Border Crossing Traditional Markets and constructive dialogue between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of Indonesia.
In the period before the Order of the Day were held the following topics:
1. Information on the grounds of absence of deputies: Eduardo de Deus Barreto, Jose Manuel Carrascalao CV and Gabriel Ximenes and Alberto da Silva Cruz;
2. Information about the justification of anticipated absences of deputies: Jose Teixeira, Maria da Paixao de Jesus da Costa (Vice-President of the National Parliament) and Fernanda Borges;
3. Information on the reporting of workers from the Director of the Company Videst in the subdistrict of Lacluta district of Viqueque;
4. FRETILIN's policy statement on the situation inside the country, mainly on governance and economy;
5. Any political declarations. The deputies raised questions about the needs of the people.
During the period of the Agenda was the only scheduled topic was:
"Discussion and vote on the resolution no. 3/II on the Agreement on Border Crossing Traditional Markets and constructive dialogue between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of Indonesia.
This was done as the following information: debate and vote at all on the proposal for the resolution. 3/II on the Agreement on Border Crossing Traditional Markets and constructive dialogue between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of Indonesia. The vote was 44 votes to 0 against and 0 abstained. The draft resolution no. 3/II passed.
Finally the President of the National Parliament closed the plenary session and asked the deputies to make preparations in the afternoon on the agenda for tomorrow, ie debate and vote on Law of Organization and Functioning of the Parliamentary Administration. End.
Plenary Meeting of Tuesday, 14 October 2008 Secretariat Office of Public Relations Agenda 140/II Plenary Meeting of Tuesday, of 14 October 2008
The plenary session today was presided by President of National Parliament, Mr Fernando Lasama de Araujo II assisted by Deputy Secretary of the Bureau, Sra. Maria Teresa de Carvalho.
In the period before the Order of the Day were held the following topics:
1. Information on the grounds of absence of Dep Jose Manuel Fernandes;
2. Information about the justification anticipated absences of Deputies: Mr Deputy Jose Teixeira, Mr. Dep Aderito Hugo da Costa and Mr. Dep Osorio Florindo da C. Costa;
Members of information on problems and needs of the people.
During the period of the Agenda the only scheduled topic was:
"Discussion and vote in the generality of the Bill. 11/II (Law of the Organization and Functioning of the Parliamentary Administration)
This was done as the following information:
- Before the dinner, the President of the National Parliament asked the Members for this Bill to go for at least 20 years because not only will improve the current Legislature, but also the following.
- The President of the National Parliament Members invited proposals, in particular, Mr. Dep Fernando Dias Gusmao, Francisco Miranda Branco Dep Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gertrudis Moniz as authors and representatives of the proponents of the Bill to explain N0 11/II .
- The following spoke after the explanations of proposers. Members are for proposals for amend or modify some parts of this Bill not to be contrary to the General Administration of Civil Service. The vote was 44 votes to 0 with 1 abstention. The bill no. 11/II rose in general.
Finally is the President of the National Parliament informed the Members that tomorrow morning, Wednesday, 15 October 2008, there Extraordinary Plenary Meeting with the same subject for the Period of the Order of the Day today, that is, discussion and vote in general Project of Law no. 11/II (Law of Organization and Functioning of the Parliamentary Administration), closed the plenary session, giving time to prepare for Permanent Commissions Specialized other parliamentary activities. End.
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