UNDP East Timor Justice System Programme Newsletter September/October Edition Highlights
Ministry of Justice launches a Public Consultation on the Draft Penal Code of Timor-Leste
On October 16 the Ministry of Justice, through its National Directorate of Human Rights and Citizenship and National Directorate of the Judicial and Legislation Advisory, held a “Public Consultation Session on the Ante-Draft of the Penal Code of Timor-Leste”, in Hotel Timor.
Brazil and UNDP sign extension of agreement for technical assistance to the justice sector
The agreement extending the support to the justice sector between the government of Brazil and UNDP was signed on 21 October for its third year. The extension of the agreement was signed by Ms. Sabine Popoff, Chargée d'Affaires of the Brazilian Embassy, and the UNDP Deputy Country Director for Operations, Mr. Nick Beresford.
UNDP Justice Programme visits districts to research ways to improve access to justice at grassroots
During October, the UNDP Justice Programme staff went to the districts of Suai, Oecusse and Baucau as a preliminary visit to organize a series of consultation workshops on access to justice which are expected to take place in November and December this year.
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