06 August 2012

Chief of Staff of Indonesian Land Forces: Timor Leste Did Not Take Area of Land belonging to Indonesia

East Timor Legal News 06 August 2012 Source: Kompas.com Writer: Joe Leribun Monday 6 August 2012 WIB 11:59 JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — The government of East Timor did not take over any land in the region of the border in the Nusa Tenggara Timor Province. A problem arose due to a mistake in the surveying of the border so there was some construction erected by some East Timorese that encroached on Indonesian territory.

The Chief of Staff of the TNI Land Forces, General Pramono Edhie Wibowo, discussed this matter after a ceremony for the promotion for extraordinary achievement of First Sergeant Nicolas Sandi Harewan dan Sub-Lieutenant Melkior Nandi, at the Land Forces Head Quarters in Veteran Street, Jakarta on Monday, 6 August 2012.

"The problem at the border with East Timor was really not about the taking of any Indonesian territory but was a just a measurement error by those who put the building up not the government of East Timor and because of that error the building ended up encroaching on our territory,’ he said.

To resolve this problem, the Indonesian Government will coordinate with the Government of East Timor. “We will resolve this problem. We will solve it properly. It is just a construction problem and not a surveying error by the two countries” said General Pramono.

As reported previously, there are 5 survey points along the Indonesian-East-Timor border, particularly at the Kecamatan of Bikomi Nilulat in the North Central Timor Kabupaten in Nusa Tenggara Timor Province and the Passabe Sub-District in the East Timor Distict of Oekusi which risk a significant possibility of conflict because the land border has not yet been agreed between the two countries at these points. The five points that could give rise to conflict are at Subina in Inbate Village, Pistana in  Nainaban Village and Sunkaen Village, Tububanat in Nilulat Village, Oben in Tubu Village and lastly at Nefonunpo in Haumeni Ana Village that are presently disputed.

Earlier, on 31 July 2012, residents of Haumeni Ana Village in the North Bikomi Kecamatan in TTU Sub-District were involved in a fight with residents in Passabe in Oekusi District, East Timor that was triggered by the construction of an East Timor Customs and Immigration Office that encroached 20 meters onto Indonesian soil. Residents from the two countires threw stones and sharp instruments at each other over a period of 15 minutes. The fight was stopped by Indonesian and East Timorese defence personnel and did not result in any deaths or injuries but made the local people alert and concerned. Editor : Hertanto Soebijoto.

ETLJB Editor's Note: Translated by Warren L. Wright BA LLB with assistance from Mr Kurniawan Bagus Sardjono 06 August 2012) from the  original report in the Indonesian language published in Kompas. Original text follows. Suggestions for the improvement of the translation are welcome at wwright1961-at-gmail.com
KSAD: Timor Leste Tidak Menyerobot Wilayah NKRI Penulis : Joe Leribun | Senin, 6 Agustus 2012 | 11:59 WIB - Timor Leste JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Pemerintah Timor Leste tidak menyerobot wilayah perbatasan dengan NKRI di Provinsi NTT. Permasalahan yang terjadi ialah kesalahan dalam pengukuran sehingga ada bangunan warga Timor Leste yang menjorok ke daerah NKRI.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) Jenderal TNI Pramono Edhie Wibowo setelah penganugerahan kenaikan pangkat luar biasa kepada Sertu Nicolas Sandi Harewan dan Pelda Melkior Nandi, di lapangan upacara Markas Besar Angkatan Darat, Jalan Veteran, Jakarta, Senin (6/8/2012).

"Masalah perbatasan dengan Timor Leste sebetulnya bukan menyerobot, bukan ingin mengambil, tapi salah mengukur saja. Yang membangun yang salah, bukan Pemerintah Timor Leste. Jadi yang membangun bangunan itu yang salah, akhirnya menjorok ke daerah kita," kata KSAD Jenderal TNI Pramono Edhie.

Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, Pemerintah Indonesia akan berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah Timor Leste. "Kita selesaikan baik-baik, ini hanya masalah pembangunan saja, bukan karena salah ukur oleh kedua negara," ungkap Pramono.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, ada lima titik di daerah perbatasan Indonesia dan Timor Leste, khususnya di Kecamatan Bikomi Nilulat, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU), Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Kecamatan Pasabbe, Distritu Oekusi, Timor Leste, yang saat ini berpeluang besar terjadi konflik. Konflik bisa terjadi karena batas tanah yang belum disepakati oleh kedua negara sampai saat ini. Kelima titik berpotensi konflik itu yakni Subina di Desa Inbate, Pistana di Desa Nainaban dan Desa Sunkaen, Tububanat di Desa Nilulat, Oben di Desa Tubu, dan yang terakhir Nefonunpo di Desa Haumeni Ana yang sementara ini bergejolak.

Sebelumnya pada 31 Juli 2012 lalu, warga Desa Haumeni Ana, Kecamatan Bikomi Utara, Kabupaten TTU, Nusa Tenggara Timur, terlibat bentrok dengan warga Pasabbe, Distritu Oekusi, Timor Leste, yang dipicu oleh pembangunan Kantor Bea dan Cukai serta Imigrasi Timor Leste yang masuk 20 meter ke wilayah Indonesia. Warga kedua negara ini saling lempar batu dan benda tajam selama 15 menit. Bentrokan berhasil dilerai aparat TNI perbatasan dan tentara Timor Leste. Bentrokan itu tidak menimbulkan korban jiwa dan luka-luka, tetapi pasca-bentrokan membuat warga selalu waswas.
Editor : Hertanto Soebijoto

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