22 August 2012

Investigation in stoning death of soldier begins

East Timor Armed Forces HQ
East Timor Legal News 22/08/2012 ETLJB Following the death of a member of the East Timor Armed Forces after he was stoned, Fretilin has called on the police to immediately investigate the killing. According to Fretilin MP Marcos da Costa, the killing of military personnel has happened many times in the country.

“I suspect some intellectual mastermind is behind the case because they do not like F-FDTL as a military institution,” MP da Costa said.

Cristovao da Silva was stoned by unknown people in Quintal-Boot on 12 August, he was then taken to the National Hospital of Guido Valadares for receiving medical treatment, but he died a few days later.

Meanwhile, the Criminal Investigation Service Commander Superintendent Calistro Gonzaga said the CIS had already commenced the investigate the incident and identify those who stoned the soldier.

“On 12 August, his relatives held a wreath-laying ceremony in Quintal Boot,” the Commander said.

Commander Superintendent Calistro Gonzaga also confirmed that the victim took part in a wedding party in Quintal Boot before he was stoned. He said the CIS will contact all of the people who participated in the wedding party.

He called on all the people who were at the wedding party, especially the relatives of Mr. Cristovao, to inform the police exactly what had happened.

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