East Timor Legal News 29/08/2012 ETLJB - The V Constitutional Government met this weekend on August 25 and 26, 2012, at the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in Díli and approved the Program of the V Constitutional Government.
After reviewing the draft Program of the V Constitutional Government made at previous meetings, the Council of Ministers returned to thoroughly review the 72 page document and introduced necessary amendments suggested by the holders of each post in order to enhance the document that will guide the work of the government until 2017.
The Program of the V Constitutional Government will continue to implement the programs and reforms that were proved successful by the IV Constitutional Government and is also based on the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 that is the result of an extensive public consultation throughout the national territory and approved by the National Parliament in July 2011.
The Government Program provides a roadmap for the country's development over the next five years, listing what needs to be done in the short term, incorporating strategies for the medium term (five to ten years), without ever losing sight of the long term (ten to twenty years), to achieve the collective vision of the Timorese People for a peaceful and developed Nation by 2030.
The ideas and ideals of this Government, represents a socio-economic political philosophy which translates in offering better living conditions to all of the Timorese population within a possible timeline. This improvement will result in the gradual satisfaction of the persistent needs of the population and the fulfillment of development goals in all regions of the country.
The V Constitutional Government has the confidence and cooperation of all sectors of society in the implementation of projects identified in the program. The will of the Timorese people is the most decisive factor for the successful implementation of the development strategy for the country.
In the program, the V Constitutional Government is committed to political behavior guided by the values of civic and human rights, tolerance, peace, dialogue and respect and governing practice shall be guided by the principles of good governance, inclusion and the principle that everyone must obey the law.
The vision of the V Constitutional Government for the nation is to have a prosperous, healthy, educated and skilled society, with widespread access to essential goods and services and in which production and employment in all sectors corresponds with an emerging economy.
The Government's aim is to create opportunities for all in a fair and inclusive manner, allowing the growth of a dynamic and innovative economy in Timor-Leste.
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