Suara Timor Lorosae 24 September 2008 - The National Director of the Procurement Services Francisco Soares Borulako said Tuesday (23/9) those who do not know the working procurement systems should stop questioning the procurement services.
'We have a lot of criterion about bidding systems which we often give out to our contractors and if they are eligible then we give them the tender' Borulako said.
He therefore urged the members of the Parliament who know nothing about the procurement systems to shut up.
Borulako explained that the single source mechanism which became a common polemic is also regulated in the law to be applied during emergency situation such as the purchase of weapons.
Recently, an AMP MP, Aderito Hugo of CNRT, accused the procurement services for what he called as conspiracy with contractors in implementing certain government projects.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman Sebastiao Dias Ximenes said that in most cases the bidding systems and procedures are only to fulfill formality by the procurement already identified or even chose the winners of the biddings.
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