President of the Committee A of the National Parliament Fernanda Borges said the National Parliament would not be a help for the office of Ombudsman to demand the contribution of the government to fight corruption if many reports on investigations done are inaccessible publicly.
“We would not help them to demand the government or any ministries to consider their reports of investigation if they never give the reports to the National Parliament,” said Borges. She added the committee does not know what the PDHJ had done and what kind of investigation and consequently the results of those investigations.
The president of the PUN party also mentioned that thus far the works of the Ombudsman has been secretive as none of the results of its investigation is known to the Committee A of the National Parliament.
Recently, PUN and other representatives of civil society organization submitted a petition to the office of Ombudsman in relation to the pardon given by the President to more than 80 criminals to be followed up but unfortunately there was no measures taken.
She explained that the National Parliament is committed to support the works of the office but the Ombudsman itself has to be transparent in carrying out its works. Image: East Timor PUN MP Fernanda Borges
Ombudsman Work is ‘zero’ in human rights: Xanana – Suara Timor Lorosae and Timor Post, 11 September 2008
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao considered the works of Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman (PDHJ) in the field of human rights, particularly violations against women, is 'zero'.
“What has PDHJ achieved? Its work is broad, not only to focus on corruption and politics,” said Gusmao. He further explained that the scope of the PDHJ covers also good governance, corruption and human rights but thus far he viewed the Ombudsman's office does not set human rights as a priority, especially violence against women.
However, the head of the Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman Sebastiao Dias Ximenes commented that the field of human rights is a big success for the PDHJ compared to other areas such as corruption.Ximenes added that internationally the PDHJ is praised for its works in the field of human rights, especially during a recent international meeting held in Malaysia.
'Grade A for the PDHJ of East Timor means the PDHJ has been working hard in the area of human rights,' said Ximenes.
The Ombudsman also made several recommendations related to the human rights violations committed by the PNTL and F-FDTL to be followed up the ministry of defense and security.
Ximenes stated, as a the minister of defense and security and also the country's Prime Minister, he had to do at least disciplinary actions against those members involved in the violation so that the same things cannot be repeated.
UN promotes women’s equality, says SRSG – Suara Timor Lorosae, 11 September 2008
The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General Atul Khare said during a women congress in Dili Wednesday (10/9) that it is the commitment of the Untied Nations to promote fundamental principles of equality since its inception.
Mr Khare explained equality faces strong challenges in many cultures of the world where patriarchal systems are very dominant. He mentioned that UN had organized four women conferences and the last one was Beijing Conference from which 12 critical areas were identified in the area of promotion of equality and women empowerment.
Mr Khare further explained the Timorese women’s national congress had taken into account Beijing platforms and had developed eight objectives and strategies.He suggested the participants of the congress to look carefully into the issues participation of women in politics and capacity development programs for women, including budget allocation in these areas.
PNTL strives to improve professionalism – Suara Timor Lorosae, 11 September 2008 The Operational Commander of the East Timor’s National Police (PNTL) Inspector Mateus Fernandes believed that in the future the PNTL would be more professional due to strong supports from the people.
“We have courage to keep making efforts to improve our service to the people in the areas of law and order,” said Fernandes Wednesday (10/9).
Fernandes did not agree with the public opinion saying some PNTL members act like bandits as they beat as they wish. He argued if police members are under threat, they can use techniques to arrest the people.He explained these techniques are learned at the police academy during their training.
PM met UNPol and PNTL on weapon collection campaign- Radio Timor Leste, 10 September 2008
East Timor's Prime Minister who is the minister for defense and security, Xanana Gusmao, Wednesday (10/9) met with the United Nations Police (UNPOL) and PNTL to discuss the illegal weapon collection campaign.
After the meeting, Gusmao thanked the population for their cooperation with the law enforcement in handing in illegal weapons, both hand-made and modern ones. He also informed that during the campaign, there were some explosives found and that in the immediate future the ministry would work together with the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) to help destroying those explosives. The date for the detonation of the explosives is yet to be set, Gusmão added.
Police to control alcohol vending- Radio Timor Leste, 10 September 2008
Dili District PNTL Acting Commander, Sub-Inspector Delfim da Silva said Wednesday (10/9) during a press conference that in the near future the police would call a meeting with bar and restaurant owners to control the vending of alcohols.
He said the police would inform the bar and restaurant owners on the effect of alcohol consumption hoping them to limit the sale of alcohol in the capital. He stressed that the measure is taken to prevent alcohol-related violence in the country as alcohol triggers violence. “Violence happens due to alcoholism,” Da Silva reiterated.
UN to gradually hand over security responsibility to the PNTL- Radio Timor Leste,10 September 2008
The United Nations Police (UNPol) Acting Commissioner Juan Carlos said Wednesday (10/9) the United Nations would gradually hand over the security responsibility to the East Timor National Police (PNTL) by May
However, UNPol will keep monitoring the development of the institutions by giving them advices and on-job training. Mr Carlos explained by this gradual hand over of responsibility the UNPol would delegate more responsibilities to the PNTL to do policing tasks.
Women's organisation urges government to improve its working mechanisms- Televizaun Timor-Leste, 10 September 2008
The Coordinator of the Rede Feto (Women’s Network), Uvalda Alves, urged the government to improve its working mechanism to make the programs of the government benefit women in remotes areas. Alves made the statement during a congress of Rede Feto held in Dili's Gym.
Alves said the Timorese women are working hard in many aspects of development of the country despite of daunting challenges the women have. Speaking after officially opening the congress, Acting President of the Republic Fernando La Sama de Araujo told women organizations to define their new strategy, plans and structure in order to really promote equality, even to the most remote areas in East Timor.
Meanwhile Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in his speech reminded the participants of the congress to clearly define their roles in the development and to be able to translate those roles in practice. The third congress is attended by almost 250 representatives of women's organisations from all the districts in East Timor.
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