Prime Minister Gusmao advises East Timor National Police to avoid carry over -Televizaun and Radio Timor-Leste 12 September 2008
East Timor's Prime Minister, who is also the Minister of Defense and Security, Xanana Gusmao, advised the East Timor's National Police (PNTL) to seriously execute its 2008 state budget. Gusmao explained that budget execution is important in order to avoid carry over into the next fiscal year. Although the PNTL is requested to seriously execute its budget, the government cannot hand over the budget directly to the PNTL as there are still many institutional-related problems facing the PNTL. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister also announced one week period for PNTL to register vehicles belonging to the institution. Gusmao said a lot of money is allocated annually for the maintenance of vehicles however the number of vehicles is yet unclear.
Finance Ministry ready to work with justice system, says Finance Vice Minister - Televizaun Timor-Leste 11 September 2008
East Timor's Ministry of Finance and Planning will be ready to cooperate with the judicial systems if there are facts and evidence about the ministry's staff being involved in maladministration and corruption.
Vice Minister for Finance and Planning, Rui Hanjam, made the statement Wednesday in relation to the comments of the Ombudsman's office saying the ministry is not serious in considering the recommendations of the Ombudsman about cases of maladministration and corruption found in the Ministry. Hanjam advised the Ombudsman to submit its reports to the public prosecutor so that the cases can be processed according to the applicable laws.
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