Accused War Criminal Walks Australian Streets. Is the neighbour of his victim's families. He gained entry for World Youth Day. He can be tried in Australia for War Crimes
September 9, 2008: An accused war criminal is walking free in Sydney and living in the same suburb as the family of one of his victims, Channel Seven's Today Tonight will exclusively reveal.
Today Tonight's James Thomas reports that Guy Campos gained entry to Australia on June 30 under a World Youth Day visa, which was personally endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church, and is yet to leave the country.
Campos, a member of the Indonesian military's Intelligence Task Force in East Timor during the 1990s, is accused of torturing civilians during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.
Now, as shown in reporter James Thomas's exclusive report tonight, Campos is living less than 2km from the family of an 11-year-old boy he bashed, who later that night died.
Today Tonight speaks exclusively with the Sydney-based sister of the 11-year-old victim and an eye witness to the bashing.
In an unprecedented move the Australian Federal Police are legally able to charge Campos and prosecute him in Australia for war crimes, a leading academic and former intelligence officer tells Today Tonight.
James Thomas is available for interview. For more information please contact: Michael Gadd - Channel Seven Publicity, (02) 8777 7169
"The Department of Immigration and Citizenship generally does not comment on specific cases but we can confirm we are not aware of Mr CAMPOS being wanted for, charged or convicted of war crimes or crimes against humanity. Mr CAMPOS, like all non-citizens, had to meet health, character and national security requirements to enter Australia. In conducting such checks, the department relied on a wide range of source material, including its Movement Alert List, international tribunals and criminal courts (including fort example, the International Court of Justice and the UN Special Commission of Inquiry in East Timor 2006) and Interpol arrest warrants.
Mr CAMPOS was checked against these requirements, including for potential involvement in human rights violations, such as war crimes. As Mr CAMPOS had no convictions or outstanding warrants for his arrest he was granted a visa.
DIAC refers all allegations about non-citizens in Australia being involved in human rights violations to the relevant authorities for further investigation. In this case, it has referred the information provided by Channel Seven and other sources to the AFP. Should Channel Seven or the general public have any further information relating suspected of war crimes or crimes against humanity, they are encouraged to contact the department (mailbox: war.crimes.screening@immi.gov.au).
The department will continue to consult with other agencies where such matters arise and take appropriate action in such cases should adverse information come to light."
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