25 May 06 Massacre defence lawyers to pay urgent visit to the Military Prison - Timor Post 09 September 2008
The defence lawyer in the case of the May 25 2006 massacre, Arlindo Sanches, said Monday (8/9) in a short time the advocacy team for the referred case will pay an urgent visit to the Military Prison in Tasi Tolu to directly observe two suspects of F-FDTL, Raimundo Madeira and Armindo da Silva who have suffered illnesses.
If during the visit it is established that these clients - Raimundo Madeira and Armindo da Silva - are in fact suffering illness, then the lawyers would take request the court to issue an authority to bring these two clients to the hospital for medical treatment, he said.
'So far, we are not sure yet about our clients suffered from illnesses in the military prison. But I think tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we will pay a visit to the prison and find out that if they are sick and then we will find the way for them to get medical treatment,' he said.
Widow of May 25 Massacre has not received salary yet - Timor Post 09 September 2008
A widows of the May 25, 2006 massacre, Rosalina Ximenes, said Monday (8/9) she and her children of deceased police officer, Paulo da Costa, who died on May 25 Massacre in front of the Justice Ministry, have not received any salary yet from the government. She said the government had violated the agreement made because the government promised to always look after the widow and orphans.
She said that her husband was shot by Timor Leste Defense Force personnel in the military political crisis in 2006 and the government promised that if the situation turns into normality, it would pay attention to the widows and orphans, including to build permanent houses for them.
However, in the reality the government never fulfils the promise made though the widows and the orphans have left IDP camp to their original place. She felt sad because the person who she trusted passed away in dificult circumstances and the government did not take this into consideration.
Many leaders involved in February 11th attempt, says a priest - Suara Timor Lorosae, 09 September 2008
Leadership of the country starting from the Attorney General, Prime Minister, President of the Republic, and including ex-Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri are believed to be involved in the February 11 attempt which severely wounded President Jose Ramos Horta and killed former Military Police Commander of the F-FDTL Major Alfredo Reinado.
'They all involved in a game where in the end they make a laundry where they put in their dirty clothes to wash in the single event' said President of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Baukau Diocese Fr. Martinho Gusmao Monday (8/9) in Dili.
He said, the February 11th attempt was not more than a form of theatre on the East Timor's side where leaders used various means available to get rid of Reinado.
Gusmao added everyone has right to mistrust the leadership as there are indications that some principal actors of the event had to get medical treatment outside of the country even though the ailment suffered was not so complicated.
'We may suspect them that they had dealings outside the country while they were on treatment; that is why everyone has right to suspect' he commented.
MSS and UNDP established a Dialogue Team for IDPs return - Suara Timor Lorosae, 09 September 2008
East Timor's Ministry of Social Solidarity and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) established a Dialogue Team on Monday (8/9) to facilitate the safe return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) into hosting communities in Dili.
The team, consisting of 26 people, is expected to find solutions to existing social problems among the IDPs and local communities since 2006.
The minister of Social Solidarity Ms Maria Domingas Alves said dialogue is an important instrument to establish peace in the country. 'Peace is not the absence of war, conflict or violence but it is everyone's fundamental right to take part in development, in speech, to get education and so forth' said the minister.
Meanwhile, UNDP's country director Akbar Usmani said the dialogue team was formed to help local communities to accept the returning IDPs. He also reiterated the continued commitment of UNDP to support the process of dialogue for IDPs reintegration.
UNDP allocated around US$620 thousand for the project. The team is going to hold community dialogues to ease the reintegration of the IDPs into the hosting communities.
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