24 July 2012

East Timor Legal News 24 July 2012

President Taur Matan Ruak
Headlines: President TMR concerned about disturbances in the country - President calls for political stability- Fretilin, CNRT to discuss stability issue - PNTL and F-FDTL's role is to respond to violence -Police call on Manatuto's young people to support security - Deputy Secretary for CNTR in Emera assaulted - SIC yet to identify motive of Alelo's death - PNTL yet to identify suspects who attack PNTL office in Viqueque

President TMR concerned about disturbances in the country Radio Timor-Leste, July 24, 2012 -President Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) has expressed his concerns over the recent disturbances and violence that broke out in the Capital of Dili and some districts after the conference of CNRT party.

The president said he and the Timorese condemned any forms of violence happening in the country as it impacted the people's lives.

"Violence committed by any people is condemned by the Timorese people and the president of the republic. But as president I am also happy because we can leave the violence shortly," he said.

TMR added that violence was not a proper way to resolve problem, but dialog was the best for the people to go through to find solutions.
President calls for political stability Radio Timor-Leste - President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak has called on the leaders of the country to create political stability in Timor-Leste.The president made the comments on Monday (24/7) in relation the recent violence, in the Capital of Dili and some districts.

TMR said the Timorese people should remain calm and the leaders should accept one another for the sake of the national stability.

"The Timorese people and the leaders should respect one another and understand one another to create calm and stability," he said.

He added that the Timorese people in the rural areas are living in poverty; therefore stability was needed, so that the new government could attend to development.
Fretilin, CNRT to discuss stability issue Independente July 24, 2012 -Fretilin leaders will meet CNRT President Xanana Gusmao to discuss stability and other development issues.

Fretilin President Francisco Guteres Luolo and Secretary General Mari Alkatiri are expected to meet him either today or tomorrow, said Fretilin Deputy Secretary General, Josefa Pereira.

A Fretilin team met Mr Gusmao recently to talk about some political issues, in addition, Fretilin leaders met last Saturday to discuss whether the party would join the parliament.

Mr Gusmao would meet Fretilin leaders before they announced the formation of the new government in the next few days.
PNTL and F-FDTL's role is to respond to violence Suara Timor Loro Sae July 24, 2012-MP Adriano Nacimento from Committee B for defence and security said the National Police and the Defence Force (F-FDTL) were to respond to acts of violence.

Mr. Nacimento said peace rallies were allowed to be held, but if the participants in the rally created violence, so then the police and F-FDTL could respond to it.

"I think Major General Lere has said this and the police commander also knows their tasks," he said.

He said that holding a peace rally was everyone's right to do, but should not provoke situation which lead to the death of people.

MP Nacimento added that the incident happened in Hera should not happen again as it had left a young men killed.

Police call on Manatuto's young people to support security Suara Timor Loro Sae, July 24, 2012 -Following the wave of violence that happened in Baucau and Viqueque districts, the police in Manatuto district have called on the young people in the area to help support the security to keep peace and stability.

Manatuto Police Commander, Luis da Silva said the police should go through this way to strengthen the peace and stability in the area.

"I am calling on all the young people to remain calm to help support the security to maintain peace and stability," he said.
Deputy Secretary for CNTR in Emera assaulted Diario, July 24 2012 -The deputy secretary for CNRT party of Urahou village, Hatolia Subdistrict of Ermera District, Martinho De Carvalho Babo was stabbed with machete.

The incident happened last Friday (7/20) in Urahou village, Hatolia subdistrict of Ermera District. A Fretilin party follower was suspected of being engaged in the case.

After the assault the victim Martinho de Carvalho Babo then appeared in the police station to report the case.

"A FRETILIN party follower stabbed me with machete, wounding my leg and my hand," he said.
SIC yet to identify motive of Alelo's death Independente July 24, 2012 -National Investigation Service Commander (SIC), Superintendent Calistro Gonzaga, said the suspect who murdered Marcelina Da Silva Pereira "Alelo" had been detained in the Dili District police detention center, but they had not yet identified the motive for the killing

Commander Gonzaga said PNTL was waiting for the Public Prosecution to conduct an investigation into to the case to determine what the motive was.

The suspect has attended the first hearing in Dili District court and the judge has found some facts that the suspect was the one who murdered Alelo.
PNTL yet to identify suspects who attack PNTL office in Viqueque Independente July 24, 2012 -The Timorese National Police (PNTL) has not yet identified the unknown groups that attacked the PNTL office in Viqueque and burned down one school building in Lautem District.

Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) Commander Superintendent Calistro Gonzaga said he had received information regarding the case of the destruction the police station in Viqueque district.

"PNTL is still hunting down the suspects who committed this crime  in Viqueque," Gonzaga said.

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