East Timor Legal News 07/07/2012 The 2012 Parliamentary election is being held today in East Timor. Twenty-one political parties and coalitions will vie for the 65 seats in the national legislature. The ballot order of those parties and coalitions is as follows:
1. UDT - Uniao Democratica Timorense
2. PR - Partido Republikano
3. PDN - Partido Desenvolvimento Nacional
4. Alianca Democratica (KOTA - Klibur Oan Timor Asuwain and PTT - Partido Trabhalhista Timor)
5. PUN - Partido Unidada Nacional
6. PD - Partido Democratico
7. PTD - Partido Timorense Democratico
8. PSD - Partido Social Democrata
9. FRENTI MUDANCA - Frente de Reconstrucao Nacional Timor-Leste-Mudanca
10. KHUNTO - Kmanek Haburas Unidade Timor Oan
11. CNRT - Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucao Timorense
12. FRETILIN - Frente de Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente
13. PDP - Partido Desenvolvimento Popular
14. Bloco Proclamador (PMD - Partido Milenium Democratico and PARENTIL)
15. ASDT - Associacao Social Democrata Timorense
16. PST - Partido Socialista de Timor
17. PDC - Partido Democrata Cristao
18. PDL - Partidu Democratica Liberal
19. AMPT - Associação Popular Monarquia Timorense
20. UNDERTIM - Unidade Nacional Democratica da Resistencia Timorense
21. Coligacao PLPA - Partido Liberta Povo Aileba and PDRT - Partido Democratika Republica de Timor
The East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin will publish results as they become available.
See also East Timor election campaigns draw to a close
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