East Timor Legal News 26 July 2012 Source:
Jornal Independente By: Agapito dos Santos
DILI: A three-party coalition will form the new government of Timor Leste. President Taur Matan Ruak informed the leaders of the three parties of his decision at a meeting at the presidential palace yesterday.
The president of the Democratic Party (PD), Mr Fernando Lasama de Araujo, said the three parties, CNRT, PD and Frenti Mudanca, had yet to discuss whether FRETILIN would be involved in the new government.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and CNRT president, Mr Xanana Gusmao, said the coalition would discuss the new government's structure before presenting this to the President.
The CNRT's national conference decided last week to invite the two minor parties to join the new government.
Violence erupted in Dili and Vikeke in the wake of the decision to exclude the second largest party FRETILIN from government. Its supporters were angered with comments made about it at the conference.
The National Police and F-FDTL brought the situation under control.
FRETILIN leaders have appealed to supporters to contribute to stability. They have also asked CNRT leaders to apologize for their comments.
FRETILIN representatives have met Mr Gusmao to discuss stability.
Mr Gusmao initiated the meeting, but FRETILIN had not signed any agreement with the three parties, a FRETILIN source said.
"(The four parties) have signed a political agreement but we have not discussed it yet. After we have done so we will present this to the President," Mr Gusmao said.
Mr Gusmao spoke to journalists after he met the President in Dili yesterday to discuss the formation of the new government.
Mr Gusmao informed the President that the three parties were ready to form the new government.
The new cabinet would comprise the best appointments.
Ministers or secretaries of state in the current government who had failed in their roles would not be re-appointed.
The members of the new cabinet had not yet been confirmed, Mr Gusmao said.
See also East Timor V Constitutional Government List of Ministers and Secretaries of State
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