DNTPSC Undertook Another Public Display In District Capital Baucau
On the 23rd March 2010, Government of Timor-Leste, through National Directorate of Land Property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC), undertook the public display of maps containing data from land claimants in Baucau District.
Eng. Jaime Xavier Lopes, DNTPSC Director stated that “The objective of public display maps is to guarantee the transparency of the land claims process. During the public display period, land claimants will verify and correct the collected data presented in those maps. It is also possible to submit a counterclaim for land parcels already claimed by other parties. Therefore, DTPSC District Directors will ask the participation of the communities to verify the displayed data. The public display period is only for 30 working days, after that period it will not be possible to submit new land data.”
Collection areas included in this public display are from Sub-District Baucau, Suco Bahu and Tirilolo, Aldeia Ana-Ulo, Lutumutu and Lamegua. The public display period starts on 23rd March 2010 and will be closed by the 5th May 2010. Public Display Maps are displayed in the following locations: Baucau District Administration Building, Bairo Lamegua (Chefe de Aldeia post) and Bairo Central (near the Rice Shop), DTPSC/Ita Nia Rai Baucau and DNTPSC in Bebora, Dili. They are also available in the internet, through www.itaniarai.tl.
The Ministerial Decree No. 229/2008 from July, 1 authorizes DNTPSC to prepare public displays with the land data collected during the data collection process. During the public display periods, people may submit new land claims and also counterclaims, which constitute a dispute against another part. After the closure of the public display period, people will not be able to submit new land claims or counterclaims for those displayed areas.
Ita Nia Rai is a 5-year project (2007-2012), funded by the American Government through USAID, and supports the Government of Timor-Leste in strengthening property rights in Timor-Leste. Working together with National Directorate of Land Property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC), this project aims to provide technical assistance and support laws and regulations so to create a sustainable and transparent system for land administration in Timor-Leste. Currently, Ita Nia Rai project is collecting land claims in district capitals of Aileu, Baucau, Bobonaro, Liquiça, Manatuto, Oecusse, Dili and Lautem. Data collection process will start shortly in the district capitals of Covalima and Ainaro.
Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste
For more information, please contact: Jose Caetano Guterres TEL: +670 730 4325 Email: JCaetano@sprtl.tl
See also Land Policy in East Timor - The Cart before the Horse
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