MPs will elect Ombudsman today Timor Post 10 March 2010 Deputy Parliamentary President Maria Paixao has said that the Parliamentarians will elect the new Timorese Ombudsman today following the end of the former ombudsman's mandate last December.
Carrascalao: The AMP Government is Corrupt Suara Timor Loro Sa’e 10 March 2010 A key figure of the coalition government, Eng. Mario Viegas Carrascalao, has said once again that the Xanana’s Parliamentary Majority Alliance government is corrupt and that if the corruption continues to soar then he would pull himself out of the coalition.
CPD-RDTL accuses PNTL of human rights violationsSuara Timor Loro Sa’e 10 March 2010 CPD-RDTL leaders from Kovalima district have accused the Timorese National Police (PNTL) of human rights violations during their so-called joint operation against Ninja.
Prosecutor-General has filed the case of F-FDTL arming civilians in 2006 Suara Timor Loro Sa’e 10 March 2010 The office of the Prosecutor General has filed the case of F-FDTL arming civilians in 2006 due to shortage of evidence.
State Secretary for Defense: Joint training should be neutral Timor Post 10 March 2010 The State Secretary for defense Julio Tomas Pinto has said that the Defence Minister has sent an official letter to the US Ambassador to Timor-Leste Hans Kleem telling him that the joint training to be held by US Marine Force and Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) officers should be neutral.
Fretilin calls for National Police to stop joint operation Timor Post 10 March 2010 MP Antoninho Bianco from Fretilin in a Parliamentary Plenary session has called for the Timorese National Police (PNTL) to stop their operation to hunt ninja gangs in the Bobonaro and Kovalima Districts.
Justice Minister, UNDP and UNTL sign an agreement Timor Post 10 March 2010 The Timorese Justice Minister Lucia Lobato has signed an agreement with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) aiming at developing human resources available to run the country’s judicial sector.
MP alleges Liborio Pereira of engaging in nepotism Diario Nacional 10 March 2010 MP Hermes Barros from the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has accused the president of the Public Function Commission Liborio Pereira of engaging in nepotism because he named his older brother to become administrator for the Ainaro district.
Customs department violates KTI’s right: Hercio Campos Diario Nacional 10 March 2010 Hercio Campus the President of Timor International Company considers that the Timorese Customs Department has violated his company’s righst regarding more than seven tons of rice seized by the Customs Department.
Borges: The constitution does not ban the existence of CPD-RDTL Diario Nacional 10 March 2010 MP Fernanda Borges of the National Unity Party has said that she disagreed with the political moves of the Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) party benches to create a law to the ban the existence of the CPD-RDTL organization. (ETLJB Editor Note: CPD-RDTL is a dissident political movement in East Timor that rejects the Timorese state as constituted and demands a return to the 1975 Constitution)
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