25 July 2012

Living in East Timor - The Survival Guide eBook

ETLJB 25 July 2012 - The new ebook Living in East Timor - The Survival Guide may now be purchased through the East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin by clicking on the image of the book at the top of the right hand column or by clicking on the image in this post.

ETLJB recommends this guide to anyone new to East Timor or who is about to live or visit there.

Disclosure: ETLJB is part of the affiliate network marketing for the Living in East Timor - The Survival Guide ebook.


Ayisha said...

Can you help me about law in-formation.

East Timor Law Journal said...

Hello Ayisha,

I may be able to help you. Please use our Contact Us form to send your question.

Best regards,
