PRESS RELEASE 15 December 2008
Reintegration of IDPs living in Baucau camps
On 11 December, the Minister of Social Solidarity, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves, visited Baucau to announce that MSS would commence the reintegration of IDPs from the Baucau IDP camps.
A total of 151 IDP families registered under Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru programme as having been displaced to Baucau as a result of the 2006 crisis. On 11 December MSS assisted 9 IDP families from the Baucau camps to return to their homes in other sub-districts of Baucau. On 12 December IOM provided transport for 22 families to return to Dili. On 15 December MSS and CRS provided transport for 40 families to return to Dili.
The Minister thanked the Camp Managers for their work in the seven Baucau IDP camps over the past two and a half years. She also thanked CRS for providing the Baucau camps with humanitarian assistance, and UNICEF for their water and sanitation support to the camps. The Minister also thanked IOM for assisting with the camp movements and UNPol for providing security.
The District Administrator of Baucau thanked MSS for assisting to reintegrate the people who had been displaced to Baucau. The Minister of Social Solidarity, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves, explained that “security must commence with you and your families. You must work with your neighbours to ensure your own neighbourhoods are safe. If you do not feel it is safe to go home you do not have to go yet. You can stay here or move into transitional housing. The MSS/UNDP Dialogue teams are also available to help you resolve your problems.” The Minister also thanked the Baucau victims for their patience until now, and expressed the hope that they would use their recovery grants wisely to rebuild or repair their houses which were destroyed during the crisis, in line with the Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru National Recovery Strategy.
With the return of IDPs from the Baucau camps more than 10,500 IDP families will have received a recovery or reintegration package under the Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru National Recovery Strategy. A total of 42 IDP camps are now closed.
15 December 2008
Reintegrasaun ba dezlokadu sira ne’ebe hela iha kampu iha Baucau
Iha loron 11 Dezembru, Ministra Solidaridade Sosial, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves, visita Baucau atu fo hatene katak MSS atu komesa prosesu reintegrasaun ba dezlokadu sira husi kampu IDP sira iha Baucau.
Total familia 151 rejistu liu husi programa Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru katak sira hetan dezlokadu to’o Baucau tamba krize 2006. Iha loron 11 Dezembru MSS assiste familia dezlokadu 9 husi kampu IDP iha Baucau atu fila ba sira nia uma iha sub-distritu seluk iha Baucau. Iha loron 12 Dezembru IOM fo transporte ba familia 22 atu fila ba Dili. Iha loron 15 Dezembru MSS no CRS fo transporte ba 40 familia atu fila ba Dili.
Ministra fo obrigada ba Kamp Manager sira ba sira nia serbisu iha kampu 7 iha Baucau durante tinan rua ho balu. Nia mos fo obrigada ba ajensia SLS CRS - ne’ebe fo assistensia humanitarian ba kampu IDP, no mos ba UNICEF ba sira nia apoiu bee no saneamentu ba kampu. Ministra mos fo agradece ba IOM ba sira nia assistensia atu muda ema husi kampu no mos ba UNPol ba sira nia ajuda atu fo seguransa.
Administrator Distritu Baucau fo agradece ba MSS ba sira nia assistensia atu reintegra ema ne’ebe hetan dezlokadu ba Baucau. Ministra Solidaridade Sosial, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves, explika katak “seguransa tenke komesa ho ita ho ita nia malu. Ita tenke serbisu ho vizinho sira atu assegura ita nia bairro maka seguru. Se ita boot senti la bele muda ba uma, lalika ba. Bele hein iha ne’e ka muda ba uma transitorio. MSS/ UNDP nia Equipa Dialogu mos bele halo dialogu ajuda resolve ita boot sira nia problema.” Ministra mos fo obrigada ba vitima sira nia pasiensia to’o agora, i hatete nia espera katak sira hotu bele uza pakote rekuperasaun ho diak atu hari’i ka hadia sira nia uma ne’ebe hetan estragus durante krize nia laran tuir politika Estratejia Rekuperasaun Nasional, Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru.
Hodi returnu deslokadu husi kampu Baucau sira, familia deslokadu 10,500 resin maka simu tiha ona pakote rekuperasaun ka reintegrasaun liu husi Estratejia Rekuperasaun Nasional Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru. Kampu IDP 42 taka tiha ona.
Image: Dili refugee.
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