UNMIT Press Release Human Rights booklet to strengthen F-FDTL
Dili, 12 December 2008 - UNMIT welcomed the F-FDTL and Human Rights booklet newly released by the Government of Timor-Leste.
Aimed at building human rights awareness among F-FDTL members, the booklet was distributed today during the Security Sector Reform and Development Seminar held at the Presidents Palace, Lahane, Dili.
At the opening of the Seminar, President Ramos Horta, in his capacity as Supreme Commander of the Defence Force, formally received the booklet.
Developed by the Ministry of Defence with the assistance of UNMIT, the booklet is available in Tetun, Portuguese and English. It is a user-friendly portable guide on human rights and will be distributed to all force members, currently over 700 soldiers. The booklet addresses such issues as the role of armed forces in a democratic state, accountability for members of the armed forces, and provides an introduction to basic human rights.
UNMIT’s Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section Chief, Mr Louis Gentile, said:
“This initiative by the Government is a sign of its commitment to human rights as expressed by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who has repeatedly stressed the importance of human rights as a key element to strengthen the professionalism of the armed forces.”
Mr Gentile also said that developing an effective security sector reform was one of the key human rights challenges facing Timor Leste.
For more information contact Asenaca Colawai, 731 1572.
Broxura Direitus Umanus atu hametin Instituisaun F-FDTL
Dili, 12 Dezembru 2008 - UNMIT sauda broxura F-FDTL no Direitus Umanus nian ne’ebé foin lalais fó sai husi Governu Timor-Leste.
Objetivu atu harii koñesimentu kona-ba direitus umanus entre membru sira F-FDTL nian, broxura ne’e distribui horsehik, durante Seminar Dezenvolvimentu no Reforma Setór Seguransa nian hala’o iha Palacio Prezidénsia, Lahane, Dili.
Iha abertura serimónia semináriu ne’e, Prezidente Ramos Horta, ne’ebé mós ninia kapasidade hodi asumi kargu Komandu Supremu Forsa Defeza, formalmente simu broxura ne’ebé refere.
Broxura ne’e dezenvolve husi Ministériu Defeza ho asisténsia UNMIT nian, broxura ne’e halo iha lian Tetun, Portuguese, no Inglés. Ne’e hanesan patronizada direitus umanus nian ida ne’ebé fasíl liu, no sei distribui ba membrus forsa nian hotu-hotu ne’ebé daudaun hamutuk nain 700. Broxura ne’e nia konteidu ko’alia kona-ba kestaun hirak ne’ebé relasiona ho papél forsa armada nian iha estadu de demokratika ida, responsabilidade ba membrus forsa armada nian, no introdusaun ida kona-ba baziku direitus umanus nian.
Xefe Seksaun Direitus Umanus Justisa Tranzisionál UNMIT, Senhor Louis Gentile, dehan:
“Governu nia inisiativu ne’e hanesan sinál ida ba ninia komitmentu direitus umanus nian ne’ebé mak Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao ko’alia beibeik sobre importansia direitus umanus hanesan elementu ne’ebé importante liu atu hametin profesionalizmu forsa armada nian.”
Senhor Gentile mós hateten katak atu dezenvolve reforma setór seguransa ne’ebé efetivu nudar dezafiu prinsipál direitus umanus nian ne’ebé Timor Leste infrenta hela.
Atu hatene informasaun klean, favor kontaktu Asenaca Colawai, 731 1572.
Image: F-FDTL Coat of Arms
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