This two-day conference for researchers is organised by the Timor-Leste Studies Association (TLSA). The TLSA an interdisciplinary, international research network focussed on all aspects of research into East Timorese society, including politics and history, business, communications, health, language and agriculture. The 2009 conference Understanding Timor-Leste: A Research Conference will be co-hosted by National University of Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL), Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria University, and the Technical University of Lisbon.
CALL FOR PAPERS: The organisers now call for papers addressing any aspect of social science/ humanities/ scientific research related to Timor-Leste. The conference organisers welcome papers from academics, researchers, activists, community groups and policy makers. A refereed
conference proceedings publication may be published. Conference sub-themes will include, but are not limited to the following:
Politics and International relations
History and Heritage
Culture and Society
Anthropology and Archaeology
Economics, business and trade
International Development Assistance
Development policy
Health policy
Gender issues
Language and Linguistics
Education (including a series of papers on adult and popular education)
CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: Papers may be presented in English, Tetum, Portuguese or Bahasa Indonesia.
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Please send all proposals for 20 minutes papers, with a 150-word abstract by Friday 27 February 2009 to:
Dr. Michael Leach, Swinburne University of Technology: mleach@swin.edu.au
Please note that:
Tetum language papers should also be sent cc: Antero da Silva, National University of Timor-Lorosa'e. anterob@gmail.com
Portuguese language papers should also be sent cc: Prof Nuno Canas Mendes, Technical University of Lisbon. ncm@iscsp.utl.pt
Bahasa Indonesia language papers should also be sent cc: Setyo Budi. budi@infoxchange.net.au
RELATED EVENTS: The Understanding Timor-Leste research conference will precede the Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development conference organised by Victoria University, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNTL, and the Australia-East Timor Association, to be held in Dili on Monday and Tuesday 6-7 July 2009. This will be a policy-oriented
conference focussing on case studies of good practice, with invited speakers and participation by the Timorese government, the National University, Timorese civil society, Members of Parliament and other interested groups. For further information about that conference, please
contact Dr Helen Hill helen.hill@vu.edu.au
These are linked conferences and discounted co-registration will be available for those who attend both.
On the weekend between these two conferences (Saturday and Sunday 4-5 July) a number of Expos will take place on sustainable livelihoods, Timorese history, education, languages, literacy and literature, and other themes, open to all.
Finally, conference registrants may also be interested in the separately organised Nation-Building across Urban and Rural Timor-Leste conference in Dili from Wednesday to Friday 8-10 July 2009. See here for details: http://www.timor-leste.org/events/nationbuilding.html
These three conferences have distinct aims and audiences, but have been sequenced and co-ordinated by the respective organisers to permit maximum participation for those coming to Dili in July.
FURTHER DETAILS: Further details about registration, accommodation and travel will be available soon on the Timor-Leste Studies Association website: http://www.etstudies-aust.org
Dr Michael Leach Senior Lecturer in Politics Faculty of Life and Social Sciences Swinburne University of Technology 1 John St Hawthorn VIC AUSTRALIA 3122 Phone: +61 3 9214 5357
Fax: +61 3 9819 0574 mleach@swin.edu.au
Image: East Timor police stand outside the National University of Timor Leste before breaking up a demonstration with the use of tear gas and arresting 21 students in Dili on 7 Jul 2008.
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