Media Release 13/12/2008 Timor Aid focuses on Capacity Building and establishes a new motto - Timor Aid has just confirmed its Strategic Plan for the next five years after completing a 3 day workshop with all of the organisation’s 100 staff members in October. It was a huge success and the process has created, after much discussion and a final overwhelming vote, the organisation’s first ever motto :
“Haberan Kapasidade dalan ba moris diak”
“Strengthening Capacity on the way to a better life”
The Board, whose members include President, Dr Benjamim Araujo e Corte-Real Ph.D, Dr. Juan Federer, Maria Do Ceu Federer, Christine Carbery (AFAP), Sister Guilhermina Marcal and CEO Alex Gusmao, are meeting this Saturday 13th December and have big plans for closely engaging with the organisation and building more momentum for the future ahead.
Formalised further as a result of the strategic planning workshop, Timor Aid’s central mission is to build and strengthen Timorese people’s capacity. Every project is undertaken with this emphasis, and its implementation constructed so as to maximise capacity building opportunities during the project process, for the beneficiaries, staff and when possible, members of other NGOs, CBOs and government agencies.
Originally founded in 1998 to help provide emergency relief and reconstruction during the final stages of Independence and Indonesian withdrawal, Timor Aid has come a long way with large scale development projects spanning all 13 districts of the country.
Timor Aid’s programs focus in four areas:
1. Community Enabling - projects include Maternal and Child health, Trauma Healing, Women’s Literacy and Income Generation, Aids and HIV support and Water and Irrigation community infrastructure.
2. Preservation of Culture - Traditional Weaving Project and Tetun Language Standardisation.
3. Active Citizenship - with a strong focus on Youth to grow their capacity to participate in governance at their local “suco” (Village) level as well as with civic institutions nationally –signified best by Timor Aid’s Youth civic Education Projects development of a Youth Parliament and the Civic Education Curriculum Project.
4. Strengthening Institutional Capacity: providing training in areas such as Tetun language, Basic IT, Project Cycle management, basic accounting and administration.
Timor Aid’s Vision is of: A peaceful, jut East Timor with the capacity to bring prosperity ti people so they can live in dignity and harmony with each other, the environment and the region.
Timor Aid’s Mission is: To increase the capacity of the people of East Timor through undertaking programs that achieve sustainable economic, education, social and cultural development results.
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