East Timor Court of Appeal President Claudio Ximenes is seriously sick: PM Gusmao Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 3 December 2008 - Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao said President of the Court of Appeal, Claudio Xomenes was currently seriously sick and that he should receive an intensive medical treatment in Lisbon of Portugal.
Public Prosecution prepares accusation to the court, says Monteiro Suara Timor sae 3 December 2008 - Timorese Prosecutor General Longinhos Monteiro said the Public Prosecution was currently preparing an indictment to the court in relation to the assassination attempt on President Jose Ramos Horta on February 11.
Govt will sack Timorese ambassador to Portugal Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 3 December 2008 - Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao said the Government had planned to replace Timorese Ambassador to Portugal, Manuel Abrantes, because he did not defend the current Government’s policy. (ETLJB Editor's Note: Manuel Abrantes was the Deputy Minister for Justice in the former Fretilin government)
European Parliament identifies weaknesses in justice sector Timor Post 2 December 2008 - MP Ana Gomes and Jose Ribeiro from the European Parliament said justice sector in Timor-Leste had not been so affective, because it was still facing major problem, mainly human resource.
Parliamentary Committee C urges the Government not to spend excessive petroleum funds Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 3 December 2008 - President of the Parliamentary Committee C for Economy, Finance and Anti-Corruption, Manuel Timlan has urged the current Government not to spend the petroleum funds more than 3%, otherwise it would breach the law.
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