East Timor National Parliament UNDP Project Flash News #12 29 February- 26 March
MPs approve Government Bill n. 25/II, Government Bill n. 26/II and Government Bill n. 27/II
On Tuesday February 23, the National Parliament approved in the generality Government Bill n. 25/II “Lei de Segurança Interna” (Law on Internal Security) with 39 votes in favour, 1 against and 8 abstentions. After its discussion in the specialty (article by article), on Tuesday, March 16, the bill was finally approved with 35 votes in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions.
On Wednesday, March 10, Government Bill n. 26/II “Lei de Segurança Nacional” (Law on National Security) was approved with 22 votes in favour, 2 against and 9 abstentions. The two above mentioned Bills put forth an integrated national security policy and define a strategy of integrated action among the Armed Forces, Police and Civil Protection.
On Friday, March 12, Government Bill n. 27/II “Lei de Defesa Nacional” (Law on National Defense) that establishes and regulates the country’s security framework, was also approved with the following result: 30 votes in favour, 0 against and 5 abstentions.
The three approved laws will be sent to the President of the Republic for promulgation soon.
Regional Conference on Sex Education, Family Planning and Reproduktive Health in Oecusse District
On 04 March 2010, the women’s caucus (GMPTL), the Committee for Elimination of Poverty, Rural Development and Gender Equality(Committee E), the Committee for Health, Education and Culture (Committee F) and local/community leaders held a one-day conference on Sex Education, Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Oecusse. The event, whose aim was also to celebrate the International Women’s Day, had the main objective to gather information and inputs from various elements of the community, in particular the young, local NGOs, and especially from students, teachers, and the church before GMPTL organize an International conference in Dili, on Jully 2010.
This conference was supported by UNMIT, UNIFEM, UNFPA, UNICEF, Alola Foundasaion, Rede Feto, Focupers, Catholic Relief Services, Marie Stopes International, Dili Diocese, Cannosian Sisters, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and the Gender Resource Centre of the National Parliament (GRC).
Presentation to the Committee of Economy, Finance and Anti-Corruption by Mr. Pradeep Sharma, UNDP Senior Assistant Country Director Poverty Reduction and Environment Unit
In preparation of a study tour to India on March 14 with the purpose of studying best practices of India as one of the Emerging Economic Growth Countries, known as BRIC countries, in the areas of:
1) Financial system (investment banks, Central Bank, Investment Fund, Income from Natural Resources, and Capital Market);
2) Economic Development in the context of Poverty Reduction, Industry both High Tech industry and Start-Up industry;
3) Natural Resources (oil and gas, and others) Development in the context of Poverty Reduction,
on March 3, Mr. Pradeep Sharma, made a presentation on “India: Growth and Poverty Reduction”, highlighting the key features of Indian Economic Policy as well as the main challenges of India’s Economic Development.
CPLP Parliamentary Assembly took place in Lisbon.
From March 6 to March 10 a delegation of the National Parliament, comprised of the Vice President of Parliament H.E. Mr. Vicente Guterres, MPs from the Majority and the Opposition Party, and the Secretary General, participated in the Second CPLP Parliamentary Assembly, in Lisbon.
At the conclusion of the meeting Timor-Leste took over the presidency of this organ for the next two years. The next Parliamentary Assembly will be organized in Dili at the beginning of 2011.
MPs elect Ombudsperson (Provedor dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça- PDJH)
On Wednesday, March 10, the National Parliament elected Timor-Leste’s Ombudsperson. With 35 votes in favour, Mr.Sebastião Dias Ximenes, was reconfirmed Ombusdman. Mr. Ivo Valente, the other candidate, gained 21 votes.
On Friday, March 12, during a parliamentary ceremony Mr. Dias Ximenes was sworn.
MPs approve project of Resolution n. 24/II
On March 10, a Project of Resolution that endorses the audit of the Ombudsperson’s Office was discussed and approved with 35 votes in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions.
Two new Government Bills admitted to Parliament and referred to Committees
On Tuesday, 23 February, Government Bill n. 32/II, “Protocol Law” was admitted to Parliament and 1 March, it was referred to the Committee for Constitutional Affairs, Judiciary, Public Administration, and Local Government (Committee A) for consideration.
On Thursday, 11 March, Government Bill n. 33/II, “Law on 2010 Census” was admitted to Parliament and on Monday, 15 March, it was referred to the Committee for Constitutional Affairs, Judiciary, Public Administration, and Local Government (Committee A) for consideration.
Professional Development Course on Administration of Parliaments and Parliamentary Service for Parliamentary Service Leadership and Members of Council of Administration started.
The National Parliament adopted a new parliamentary administration and service law in late 2008. The implementation of this new law was initiated in early 2009. The new law has introduced a new administration system for the National Parliament, namely the introduction of a corporate body, named Council of Administration, comprised of MPs representing the main parties in the Parliament. New principles and rules for resources management were also adopted, fundamentally aimed at ensuring the autonomy, efficiency, transparency and accountability.
The professional development course (Administration of Parliaments and Parliamentary Service for Parliamentary Service Leadership and Members of Council of Administration) aims to address the special need to provide the Secretariat-General leadership and Members of the Council of Administration with a solid understanding of all issues related to the administration of Parliament and Parliamentary Service. It is expected that this course will contribute, to improving the performance of the leadership, . The course will run for a duration of 3 months with one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.
Mps discuss Law on Domestic Violence
On Tuesday, March 16, in the presence of the Secretary of State for Equal Promotion, Mrs. Idelta Rodrigues, the Members of Parliament started the discussion in the generality of Government Bill n. 31/II, “Law on Domestic Violence”. On Monday, March 22, the bill, that aims at identifying and implementing measures to prevent domestic violence and promote the rights of and support to the victims, according to international standards, was approved in the generality with 40 votes in favour, 0 against and 2 abstentions. Government Bill n. 31/II will now go back to the Committee for Constitutional Affairs, Judiciary, Public Administration, and Local Government (Committee A) for its discussion in the specialty.
Coming up:
122nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bangkok.
From March 27 to April 1 the National Parliament of Timor-Leste will take part in the 122nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bangkok. For the first time the Timorese delegation will address the assembly in Portuguese, one of the Country’s official languages. The Assembly will be held under the general theme of Parliament at the heart of political reconciliation and good governance.
A series of bilateral meetings on foreign policy issues of interest to Timor-Leste will also be organized.
Parlamentaria - the radio program of the National Parliament produced in cooperation and coordination with RTL. Parlamentaria is a 30-minute program in Tetum with news about the National Parliament and interviews with its Members. The program is broadcast every Sunday at 6h30 pm on RTL.
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