12 September 2009

East Timor Chief Justice Theatens to Arrest The Timorese Leaders

TEMPO SEMANAL Thursday, 10 September 2009 Internet Exclusive: Timor Leadership Threatened By High Court TL High Court Theatens to Arrest The Timorese Leaders - The head of the Court of Appeal, Timor's highest court, Mr. Claudio Ximenes has declared that he will seek to bring to justice those who released Marternus Bere from Becora Prison on August 30th 2009.

Claudio Ximenes in his statement said, "those authority is not judge have no power give order to freed someone from the prison whom been order to be jailed by a judge."

Acording to East Timor Penal code article 245, section 1 stated by Mr. Ximenes said who ever with illegal action freed from prison those acording to the law has lost their freedom or help the person to escaped would receive prison terms minimum 2 years and maximum 6 years

East Timor Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao after his meeting with East Timor President Jose Ramos Horta in the Presidential Palace on Thursday responded, "I am ready because I did released him." The Former East Timor head of state challenge the High Court braveness by
said, "I know where Becora prison is so as soon as a court sentence I will go there my self."

The Marternus Bere released case is hit the division of the state institutions too. On 08/09/09 the Parliament vote against President horta Trip to New York and make the 1996 Peace Price winner angry and threaten to resigned if the Parliament would not retrieve their vote.

The case of freed Marternus Bere has creat a division among the victims and Leaders of the country. After a sunday mass in Suai church Marternus Bere was beaten up by the community near the market. Later Marternus was taken to a police station for questions and his passport was removed. He then taken to Becora Prison for a three years preventative detention but less then a month the state leaders intervene in the Judicial process for his released.


East Timor Law Journal - Towards the rule of law in Timor-Leste!

Image added by ETLJB: Justice enslaved by the Executive in East Timor. Again.

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