Today (25 September 2009) is the tenth anniversary of his murder.
He was 26 years old when killed while traveling with a group of nuns, priests, and aid workers. Their bus was ambushed by members of Team Alfa militia at a roadblock near Los Palos.
Seven militia members were found guilty of the murders: Joni Marques, Manuel da Costa, Joao da Costa, Paulo da Costa, Amelio da Costa, Hilario da Silva, and Gonsalo dos Santos.
Joni Marques, the leader of Tim Alfa, stated at his trial that he had trained alongside Australian troops in Malaysia in the early 1990s.
Extract from the Indictment in the Los Palos trial:
Murders of a group of clergy, Agus Muliawan and Izno Freitas, 25 September 1999 By their acts and omissions in relation to the events described under C and E V of this indictment, JONI MARQUES, JOAO DA COSTA, PAULO DA COSTA, AMELIO DA COSTA, MANUEL DA COSTA, HILARIO DA SILVA and GONSALO DOS SANTOS
Count 7: Murder, a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, punishable under section 5.1(a) of UNTAET Regulation 2000/15
On or about 25 September 1999, in Los Palos Sub-District, Lautem District, Joni Marques, Joao da Costa alias Lemorai, Paulo da Costa, Amelio da Costa, Manuel da Costa, Hilario da Silva and Gonsalo dos Santos did, with deliberate intent and premeditation, commit, aid, abet or otherwise assist in the murder of Brother Jacinto Xavier, Brother Fernando dos Santos, Brother Valerio da Conceicao, Sister Erminia Cazzaniga, Sister Celeste de Carvalho, Agus Muliawan, Cristovao Rudy Barreto, Titi Sandora Lopes and Izino Freitas Amaral, knowing that it was part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population in violation of section 5.1(a) of UNTAET Regulation 2000/15.
Full trial report:
General Prosecutor v Joni Marques and 9 Others
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