26 September 2009

UNDP continues to entrench dysfunctional justice system in Timor-Leste

UNDP Legal Advisers from Portugal and Cape Verde arrive in Dili East Timor Press Release 24/September/2009 - The UNDP Justice System Programme (JSP) is supporting the arrival of four Judges, four Prosecutors and four clerks from Portugal and Cape Verde to support the national judicial institutions over the next one year. The advisors arrived in Dili on the 18th September, 2009.

The advisors are provided under agreements of cooperation that UNDP has promoted and supported both logistically and financially. An induction course was held for the advisors to familiarize them on the Timorese judicial system and they were provided with guidelines that have been developed for advising and building capacities of their national counterparts. Several of the advisors will be assigned to the districts outside of Dili, including international judges to each of the district courts, on a permanent basis for the next one year.

Senior Advisor for the JSP, Maria del Mar Bermudez, commented that “the UNDP Justice System Programme is pleased to facilitate and support the national authorities in increasing the capacities of the Timorese judicial system. We expect these advisors to support the national actors to be part of the decentralizing of justice services and bringing justice to the citizens of Timor’’.

The UNDP JSP has closely worked with the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Council of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor-General, to develop the national capacity of the Courts, the Prosecution and the Public Defender's Office, increasing the effectiveness of the justice system and improving access to justice for all citizens.

The UNDP Justice System Programme is supported by Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNDP Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery.

For more information please contact Shaila Noronha on +670-730-4445 or on shaila.noronha@undp.org



PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa (PSJ) fó apoiu daudaun hela ba juíz na’in haat, Prokuradór haat no eskrivaun tribunál haat hosi rai Portugál no Kabu-Verde para fó suporta ba instituisaun judisiál nasionál sira ba tinan ida oin-mai. Asesór sira ne’e to’o iha Dili iha loron-18 fulan-Setembru 2009.

Asesór sira ne’e mai tan akordu kooperasaun ne’ebé hetan promove no apoia lojistikamente no finanseiramente hosi PNUD. Kursu indusaun ida halo ona ba asesór sira ne’e atu halo sira hatoman an ba sistema judisiál Timór nian no sira hetan dokumentu matadalan sira ne’ebé dezenvolve nanis ona hodi fó konsellu no dezenvolvimentu kapasidade ba sira-nia kolega nasionál sira. Asesór hirak-ne’e balu, inklui juíz internasionál sira, sei aloka permanentemente ba tribunál distritál idaidak ba tinan ida oin-mai.

Asesora Seniór ba PSJ, Maria del Mar Bermudez, komenta katak “PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa sente haksolok atu fasilita no apoia autoridade nasionál sira ba hasa’e kapasidade sistema judisiál Timór-oan nian. Ami hein katak asesór hirak-ne’e sei apoia autór nasionál sira atu sai parte ida iha desentralizasaun servisu justisa nian no lori justisa ba sidadaun Timór-oan hotu”.

PSJ PNUD halo servisu di’ak tebes ho Ministériu Justisa, Konsellu Supremu ba Justisa no Prokuradória Jerál Repúblika atu dezenvolve autór nasionál sira hosi Tribunál, Prokuradória no Defensória Públika hodi aumenta efikásia sistema justisa no hadi’ak liután asesu justisa ba sidadaun hotu-hotu.

PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa ne’e rai Austrália, Brazíl, Portugál, Noruega, España, Suésia no ONU nia Gabinete Komisáriu Aas ba Direitu Ema nian (G-KADE), PNUD nia Departamentu Prevensaun Krize no Rekuperasaun.

Atu hetan informasaun liután halo favór ida kontaktu de’it ho Shaila Noronha liuhosi +670-730-4445 eh ba shaila.noronha@undp.org

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